Subject: Fungus how to fight. Sent : 26 May 01 Find trees and plants growing around you that have succeeded in building a defense against mold, and fungus (or for that matter bugs) and make a thin sprays from the resins of these plants to protect the plants we wish to grow. There is a product sold that is made from the resin (pitch) of the Cedar family (Thuja) of shrubs and trees found in the US, Africa, Alaska, Australia and India. The product has very good antibacterial and antifungal properties. It contains Thuja tree-resin, petrolatum, and olive oil and is called "PAV- The Miracle Salve". It is successfully used for fungal infections around the nails. Works wonders on open wounds, cuts, and burns that fail to heal under traditional methods. Should be a key component of any outdoor fist aid kit. Native Americans used to make a slave by boiling the small branches and leaves of the cedar tree with oil. Teas were also made by boiling it in water; however, it's possible that ingesting these resins internally could cause some toxicity problems. For this reason the current manufacture suggest using them externally. See the following for what it looks like: I am going to quote from a health news letter my dad sent me. " Its track record stretches from the humid tropics of Florida and South America to the polar regions of the North Pole. Its manifold usefulness had found its way into doctor's offices, dermatologists, veterinarians, and other health professionals as the last word when it comes to stubborn cases of nail fungus, acne, psoriasis, hemorrhoids, incurable athlete's foot, gangrene, localized blood poisoning, black window and recluse spider bites, honey-bee - yellow-jacket, and hornets stings, the itch and poison of mosquito bites, flea and tic bites, the W.C. Fields disease - Rosacea, scar tissue, rashes of all kinds, infections of all kinds including the ears - scalp - genital areas and even gum infections and toothaches. What makes this natural drugless, safe and easy to use product so effective and which has no limit as to how often it can be applied? It's the |Tree-Resin use in PAV is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral. This three-fold anti-disease, acne, plus the healing and pain relieving characteristics of the Resin, has resulted in an incredible track record and renewed interest among health professionals in an Indian remedy that is natural, harmless and effective. About the only body area to be avoided with the use of PAV, is the eyes. It would not harm the eyes, but it would produce a slight burning effect. Bed sores, diaper areas, and burns are very tender conditions, and to make this product application easer to apply, the product should be near body temperature. " High-quality pitch can be purchased from Native American Tree Resin (NATR) at 2806 Broadway, Suite 2, Eureka, CA 95501, phone 1 (800) 422-4716.