Luxeon technology The Promise and Challenge of Solid-State Lighting cost analysis and future of LEDs Permanent' bulbs -- A Luxeon device will last up to 100,000 hours compared to 1,000 to 2,000 hours for a typical incandescent bulb - long enough to last for 22 years in virtually any general lighting product, based on average operation of 12 hours per day. As a result, the light source can be integrated directly into the fixture without worrying about lamp replacement. Just fit it and forget it. Energy savings -- Luxeon is more energy-efficient than incandescent and many halogen lamps. This stems from low power consumption as well as Luxeon 's ability to produce 20 lumens per watt in white and as much as 50 lumens per watt in color - far surpassing an incandescent bulb in efficiency. Those efficiencies are continually climbing, with significant advances expected to hit the market in 2002. documentation Luxeon Documentation princing