CANCER - TOTAL DRAW POULTICE POWDER FORMULA BY THE OUNCE Garlic assists a cancer tumor to come out through the skin. 1 CUP GARLIC POWDER 1 CUP SLIPPERY ELM BARK POWDER 1 CUP BENTONITE CLAY POWDER 1 CUP RED CLOVER POWDER 1 CUP CHAPARRAL POWDER 1 CUP WILLOW CHARCOAL POWDER 1 CUP PLANTAIN POWDER 1/2 CUP POKE ROOT POWDER 1/4 CUP GOLDENSEAL POWDER 1 TSP. CAYENNE POWDER MIX ALL INGREDIENTS IN A BOWL. STORE IN AN AIRTIGHT CONTAINER SUCH AS A GLASS JAR. PACKAGE BY THE OUNCE AS ORDERED. THE CONTAINER FOR THE INTESTINAL CLEANSE #2 IS EXCELLENT TO USE WHEN YOU USE 8 OUNCES OF THIS DRAW POULTICE POWDER. Revised September, 2003 by Doc Copyright (c) 2003 by Ian "Shillington". All rights reserved. Total Draw Poultice Powder 1 - Cup of Red Clover Blossoms Powdered(Fresh preferred, but dried will do) 1 - Cup of Bentonite Clay 1 - Cup of Slippery Elm Inner Bark Powder 1/2 - Cup of Chaparral Leaf Powder 1/4 - Cup of Poke Root Powder 2 - Tbls of Goldenseal Root Powder 4 - Tbls of Activated Willow Charcoal Mix well together and store out of sunlight in a dark place. Usage: To one heaping tablespoon of the mixture add one dropperful of Organic Tea Tree Oil add one dropperful of Pharmaceutical Grade USP DMSO add one teaspoon (+ or - to your preferrence) of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar and mix into a paste and apply. Cover with a bandage. Love, Doc Ian "Doc" Shillington N.D. 505-772-5889