Incurables Program (THE FIRST 30 DAYS) I highly suggest for anyone who has been diagnosed as incurable or hopeless to throw out the diagnosis. Whether you are new to natural healing or have years of natural healing knowledge, this 30-day program can save your life. I use this very program for people who have been written off as hopeless by other doctor's and health professionals. This program is intense and it works!! "You will get out of it what you put into it. You can either wait for someone to do it for you and hold your hand and that won't be me or you can jump in and give 110% and take full responsibility for your health and healing. Nothing less will do, so let's get started !!! Here are a few things to help your success rate: Read all this material top to bottom, take a deep breath, then read it again! Make sure you thoroughly read the section on each of the individual formulas and cleanses. Have all the supplies you will need for the 30 days. A juicer is not an option. If you don't have one, buy one today. It will save your life. If your not going to buy a juicer then, forget doing this program. Be responsible for yourself. No one ever got better by feeling sorry for themselves. The doctors are wrong, you can get well. LOVE - giving it and receiving it, is the most powerful cleansing and healing tool. Trust yourself, you will find your own answers as you go through the process. You must have a good support system. A friend to help along the way, and one that won't give into your "victim stuff", your "why me" bull, somebody that will kick your butt when you need it, Another part of your support system will be anything I've written on Natural Healing. Read and re-read. You have to EAT, DRINK, SLEEP and BREATH Natural Healing. Embrace yourself. Surround yourself with Natural Healing. A major function of the body is to repair and heal itself. Stop doing the things that hurt you and start doing the things that will Heal you. THERE ARE NO INCURABLE DISEASES. Get positive, Get right, RIGHT NOW, BELIEVE, START NOW. Remember, you create your own tomorrow. THE FOOD PROGRAM If you are very seriously ill, I highly suggest that you do a fresh organic juice fast for the entire 30 days. Drink at least one gallon of liquid a day. That's eight 16 ounce servings. Liquids should only be distilled or purified water, good high quality Herbal Teas (non-caffeine) and organic fruit and organic vegetable juices. You can dilute your juice with 50%, distilled water. If you don't have a juicer, buy one NOW. Your second option if your not quite that ill is, you may consume only 100% organic (Vegan) Vegetarian raw food and organic fruit and vegetable juice. Raw means no cooked food. This includes all vegetables, fruits, raw nuts and seeds, and soaked and sprouted beans and grains. Try to eat fresh organic produce that is grown locally and in season. If you choose to eat raw food you must take at least one day a week and juice fast that day. You must consume a combination of at least 8 to 16 ounces of fresh organic carrot, beet, apple and parsley juice daily. Absolutely NO animal flesh, eggs, milk or milk products (cheese, yogurt, butter). No cooked foods (bread, pasta, baked potatoes, tofu, etc.) NO alcohol, coffee, black tea or sugar on the incurables program. Although organic is the best way to go, if you can't get organic don't let that stop you. Do the best you can. Notes on Getting Started on the Incurables Program Use "Distilled" or "High grade reverse osmosis" water only, for all teas, enemas, colonics, etc. Begin a juice fast immediately, using 8-10 ounces of fresh juice an hour (that is one gallon a day) for at least 14 days minimum, and 30 days, if you are willing. (That is one gallon, 5000 calories, of pure, raw, liquid food and nutrition daily!) After the fast, then going to raw fruits and vegetables, with little being cooked or steamed, while continuing to juice, along with plenty of "Super food" and green drink daily, always doing your drinks between meals only! Castor oil packs and poultices on and around the afflicted areas, every night or morning. Purchase a "shower wand" and do a minimum of two (three would be better), hot and cold showers a day, also concentrating over the afflicted area for a total of sixty days, then going to a minimum of one a day. If the person is too weak to stand, simply give the treatment with them lying in the tub. Take one very hot bath for at least « an hour every day in the evening. Drink 6 cups of fresh organic Ginger Tea while in the tub. Blood Detox Tea - 6 cups a day if you have a normal body size. This tea tastes OK to me and many others, but tastes absolutely awful to cancer patients. Just grin and bear it, and get it down with no whining or sniveling. This is the formula that kills tumors, so no back off. Blood Detox Formula - 2 dropperfuls, 3 times a day. As with the tea, no skimping here. Gotta be done. All "water" consumed is to be in tea form, and anytime you just want to sip on a simple cup of tea, use "red clover" with a very small amount of raw honey, if desired. Be sure to get some exercise. With a walker, or otherwise, move around as much as you can! For fresh oxygen, be sure to sleep with your bedroom window either wide open during the summer, or cracked during the winter, sleeping and living only in clothing and bedding that breath (100% cotton, wool, linen, silk, or a combination of one of these four only!) The above is work, but is also very simple and will get you started. All you have to do is just begin, so just do it! Follow this program, and happy trails! For as you do it, you will be absolutely amazed! Yours in health and love, Dr. Ian Shillington 505-772-5889