This is a composite file that works in notepad. Use the individual files in wordpad (use right mouse click and send to or open with). Almondaise (a substitute for mayonnaise and much, much more) Basic recipe: 1/2 cup almonds 1/2 tsp. sea salt (optional) 1/2 cup purified water 1 small sliver garlic (1/8 tsp) 2-3 Tbs. fresh lemon juice 1/2 to 1 cup cold pressed safflower or other Fresh ground pepper to taste light oil. Dash of cayenne Valorie's Favorite with olive oil, cayenne pepper, basil, more garlic, salt and Spike! (See basic recipe below) The original recipe blanches the almonds. Since heat destroys enzymes and nutrition, I soak almonds for 24 hours ideally (this releases enzyme inhibitors and makes the almonds digest more easily) or simply use them without soaking them. I put 1/2 of a dried Habenero pepper in 1 cup of olive oil and let it stand for at least 48 hours. This makes hot pepper flavored olive oil. I use this oil in our almondaise or use plain olive oil and throw in hot peppers to taste. I toss in about 8 fresh basil leaves (or equivalent other herbs), 1 tsp. Spike and 1/2 tsp. salt and 2 to 4 small garlic cloves. Since garlic is anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial, the almondaise with more garlic keeps for 7 days + before going bad and our family likes lots of garlic and cayenne. Place everything except the oil in a blender and blend for a minute or so until the mixture appears creamy with no lumps. If mixture is so thick that there is not a funnel in the center swirling around, add more water until mixture it liquid enough to swirl and blend. Drizzle oil until the oil just sits on top. Stop with this amount of oil even if you have only used 1/2 cup of oil. Should you use up 1 cup of oil and oil is still not sitting on top, put in about 10 more soaked almonds and see if that is enough to thicken, then if not 10 more until mixture is thick. Store in the refrigerator. Keeps 3-5 days so make as much as you will use in a short period of time. Delicious on sandwiches, pita bread, as a dip and believe it of not over hot noodles or rice. Vegans (vegetarians who do not eat meat, fish, poultry or any dairy products): The consistency of this almondaise on pasta makes you think you are eating parmesan cheese. If you have any left over, store it in the refrigerator. Keeps 4 to 7 days, so make as much as you will use in a short period of time. Enjoy! As promised: From Valorie. Love, Doc Ian "Doc" Shillington N.D. 727-738-0554 Copyright (c) 2004 by Valorie Shillington. All rights reserved.ANTI-PARASITE / ANTI-FUNGAL FORMULA 3 CUPS BLACK WALNUT HULLS (BREAK OR POUND WITH A HAMMER THEN SOAK OVERNIGHT IN YOUR MENSTRUM) 2 CUPS WORMWOOD 1 CUP SAGE 1 CUP GARLIC 1 CUP HYSSOP 1 CUP CLOVES STANDARD BASE OF ALCOHOL/DISTILLED WATER OPTIONS. Love, Doc Copyright (c) 2003 by Ian Shillington. All rights reserved. * Anti-Plague Formula * Ingredients: 4 ounces Black walnut concentrate 4 ounces Wormwood concentrate 4 ounces Marshmallow root concentrate 4 ounces Oak bark concentrate 4 ounces Lobelia leaf or seed concentrate 4 ounces Mullein leaf concentrate 4 ounces Skullcap leaf concentrate 4 ounces Uva Ursi, Hydrangea or Gravel root concentrate 8 ounces Comfrey root concentrate 32 ounces Apple cider vinegar 20 ounces Honey - raw, unfiltered and local is best 20 ounces Glycerine 8 ounces Garlic juice Sfresh, raw, organic Each concentrate should be made individually. Start by soaking each herb for four hours or more in enough distilled water to cover them. After soaking, add more distilled water so that the total added water equals 16 oz. water per 4 oz. of herbs. After adding the appropriate amount of distilled water to the soaked herbs, simmer on a very low heat in a covered saucepan or double boiler for 30 minutes. Strain this decoction and place into an uncovered clean pan or uncovered double boiler and simmer it down to ¬ the original amount, in other words, to 4 oz. Each concentrate should be made separately and then only mixed when the entire formula is blended together. Using the amounts in this handout 120 ounces (approximately one gallon) will be made. If you desire to make less, just reduce all the proportions equally. To make an eighth ounce of garlic juice takes one full pound of fresh garlic. Fresh garlic juice is extremely potent. That's what makes the formula work.It's called BF&C (Bone, Flesh and Cartilage) and I recommend using it with my Deep Tissue Repair Oil. It is the Dynamic Duo for Broken Bones, Torn Cartilage, and Bruises ETC. Much love, Ian The BF&C Formula is as follows. 6 parts Comfrey Root 6 parts Oak Bark 3 parts Gravel Root 3 parts Mullein 1 part Lobelia 2 parts Wormwood 3 parts Marshmallow Root 1 parts Skullcap 2 parts Walnut Bark Remember, when I discuss a "part", I am always talking about "volume". If I use another measurement such as cups ETC., I always say so. Ian "Doc" ShillingtonBACK IN ACTION Spine Rehabilitation Exercises For serious back problems, do these exercises at least twice a day WARM UP: WALK, RUN, OR BIKE FOR 30 MINUTES (WORK UP A SWEAT) 1. Shoulder Towel Stretch: (3 reps; Hold for 30 seconds). Hold both ends of a towel and lift arms over head and hold. 2. Standing Back Bends: (10 reps; Slow continuous motion). Place hands on either side of low back and arch backwards. 3. Stick Rotators: (10 reps; Slow continuous motion). While holding a broom handle or stick across the shoulders, rotate upper body on the lower body while keeping feet, hips, and knees pointing forward. Move clockwise, and then counter clockwise. 4. Hamstring Stretch: (3 reps; Hold 30 seconds). Put one of your legs on a chair or other object at a comfortable height. Keep knees slightly bent and the head up while bringing chest toward the knee. Keep other foot pointing forward. Repeat other leg. 5. Calf Stretches: (3 reps; Hold 30 seconds). Assume an upright stride position, left leg forward, left knee flexed, right leg extended back with knee straight. Brace both hands on a stationary object. Keep both feet flat on the floor. Slowly push hips forward and hold. Repeat for the opposite side 6. « Kneel Hip Flexor Stretch: (3 reps; Hold 30 seconds). Assume a « kneel position. Tilt pelvis to the back. HOLD. Repeat for the opposite side. 7. Prone Press Ups: (10 reps; Slow continuous motion). Lie on stomach with arms in the push up position. Slowly push head and shoulders up until there is slight discomfort in the lower back. Return to the floor and then repeat. 8. Single Knee to Chest: (8 reps; Hold 30 seconds) Lie on back with head resting on the floor, and both legs extended. Raise left knee towards chest, and grasp the knee with both hands. Slowly pull knee towards chest. Hold. Repeat for opposite side. 9. Double Knee to Chest: (8 reps; Hold 30 seconds) As in #9 but with both knees brought to the chest. Pull slowly. Hold. Relax legs to arms length and then repeat. 10. Gluteal Stretch: (3 reps; Hold 30 seconds) Lie on back with head resting on the floor. Bend left knee keeping left foot on the floor. Cross right foot over left thigh. Bring left knee toward chest. Hold. Repeat for opposite side. 11. Towel Hamstring Stretch: (3 reps; Hold 30 seconds) Lie flat on back with head resting on the floor. Lift leg and place towel under foot. Grab ends of towel and assist leg towards chest with leg straight. Hold. Repeat with other leg. 12. Rotary Lumbar Stretch: (3 reps; Hold 30 seconds) Choose one: ú Lie flat on back. Bring left leg over the right with knee bent or straight to rotate lower back. Hold. Repeat with right leg. ú Lie flat on back. Bring both knees toward chest and then drop to one side to stretch lower back. Hold. Repeat on other side. 13. Partial Curl-ups: (30 reps) Lie flat on back with knees bent, and feet flat on the floor with hands clasped behind head. Lift head and shoulders off the floor keeping back flat. Return. Repeat. 14. Diagonal Curl-ups: (30 reps each direction) As above, but keep arms in front. Reach for outside of knee while lifting head and shoulders off floor. Repeat on the opposite side. 15. Alternate Arm and Leg Lifts: Lie on stomach. Lift right arm and left leg off the floor. Hold 8 seconds and then alternate limbs. 16. Cat & Camel: (5 reps) Get on hands and knees, and let stomach and back sag toward the floor. Slowly arch back to the sky. Love, Ian 'Doc' Shillington N.D. Phone: 505-772-5889 BLOOD DETOX FORMULA 2 OZ. AMBER BOTTLES Suggested use: While on the Liver Cleanse 1 CUP RED CLOVER BLOSSOM (DEEP PURPLE) 1 CUP CHAPARREL 1 CUP POKE ROOT 1/2 CUP LOBELIA 1/2 CUP YELLOW DOCK ROOT 1/2 CUP FRESH GARLIC BULB (NOT DRIED) 1/2 CUP BURDOCK SEED & ROOT (1/4 cup of each) 1/2 CUP MULLEIN 1/2 CUP GOLDENSEAL ROOT 1/2 CUP OREGON GRAPE ROOT 1/2 CUP BLOOD ROOT 1/2 CUP PERIWINKLE FLOWERS 1/4 CUP CAYENNE PEPPER IF WHOLE OR CRUSHED OR 1/8 CUP IF POWDER Use standard base alcohol/distilled water base options. Soak Blood root for 24-48 hours in base. When Blood root is ready, then mix the rest of the herbs in a bowl. Blend in batches adding some pre-soaked Blood root to each batch until everything is blended and in the jar. Formula Revised By Doc August, 2003 Copyright (c) 2003 by Ian "Doc" Shillington. All rights reserved.BLOOD DETOX TEA 3.5 oz. per package Suggested use: While on the Liver Cleanse 2 CUPS RED CLOVER BLOSSOM (DEEP PURPLE) (cut) 2 CUPS CHAPARREL (cut) 2 CUPS POKE ROOT (cut) 1 CUP LOBELIA (cut) 1 CUP GARLIC GRANULES (flakes if available) 1 CUP BURDOCK SEED (whole) & ROOT (cut) (1/2 cup each) 1 CUP YELLOW DOCK ROOT (cut) 1 CUP GOLDENSEAL ROOT (cut) 1 CUP OREGON GRAPE ROOT (cut) 1 CUP BLOOD ROOT (cut) 1 CUP MULLEIN (cut) 1 CUP PERIWINKLE FLOWERS (cut) 1/2 CUP CAYENNE PEPER WHOLE OR CRUSHED OR 1/4 CUP IF USING A POWDER Note: All herbs are dry. Use clear, plastic sandwich bags to package your tea. Put the label on and fold the top of the bag under and tape. You will notice that the smallest size herbs tend to settle to the bottom. When packaging a tea, scoop all the way to the bottom to distribute the smallest size herbs into all of the tea packages. Revised by Doc 08/03 Copyright (c) by Ian "Doc" Shillington. All rights reserved.Brain Tonic 15 parts Gingko Leaf 1 part Gotu Kola Herb 1 part Calamus Root 1 part Rosemary Flowers 1 part Cayenne Pepper Optional:- 1 part Kola Nut Ian "Doc" Shillington Cal-Calm Tea (TM) The formula requires that one mix an equal amount of the following by volume. Chamomile Flowers and leaf; Peppermint leaf; Mullein leaf; Red Clover Blossoms, and Raspberry leaf. This formula, discovered by accident, tastes awesome and is great either iced or hot. Valorie and I take one every night before bed, we love it that much. Yours in Health and Love, Doc Dr. Ian Shillington 727-738-0554 Copyright (c) 2004 by Ian Shillington N.D. All rights reserved. Cold & Flu Remedy Organic Solutions manufactures an Echinacea Plus formula tincture which is second to none, period. We have our Echinacea Angustifolia roots wildcrafted early in the morning and shipped to us the same day packed in wet burlap and ice. We fill our gallon jars _ full with this fresh root and then add a special distilled water/alcohol combination to start drawing the essential oils and vital chemicals out of the root. The brew is ready to press two weeks later, however most of our jars brew for six months or more as it does get better with age. We then press it on the Full Moon just as the Farmers and Master Herbalists of olden days used to do, thus drawing out the maximum amount of goodness. After this pressing, a small amount of Organic Garlic and Organic Habanero juices are added to increase absorption into the body for faster and more potent results. Echinacea Ingredients: Wildcrafted Echinacea Angustifolia root, Organic Garlic juice, Organic Habanero juice in a base of distilled water and alcohol. Total Tonic All-Organic Ingredients: Garlic bulb, Horseradish root, Onion bulb, Ginger root, Cayenne peppers in a base of Raw unfiltered Apple cider vinegar. The second great formula in this Cold & Flu Remedy is Total Tonic, a concoction which is also an Anti-Plague formula. This formula taken with Echinacea can successfully wipe out ANY cold or flu bug going around. By themselves they are awesome enough, but taken together they are unbeatable in handling viruses, bacteria, and fungi with no negative effects or damage to intestinal flora in your system. Another name I call them by is "The Dynamic Duo". A RESEARCH STORY by Ian "Doc" Shillington N.D. I've been researching and working for over 10 years to find an herbal formula that could do it all, and I finally found it in Total Tonic. In an emergency situation, if I could have only one herb, it would be CAYENNE. In a non-emergency or every day circumstance, that one essential herb would be GARLIC. One of the most controversial items on the market for the last thirty years has been DMSO (a chemical Sulfur compound) derived from Pine trees. I have met several people over the years who have sworn their cancer, their heart disease, etc. had been cured by the use of this product. The latest on the market is MSM (a purified chemical Sulfur compound) that is also manufactured from Pine trees. Similar healing claims have been made about MSM. Even a century ago, many cures were effected by using Sulfa drugs and the use of Sulfur was recognized world-wide as an accepted medical tool. Well guess what? Garlic has more sulfur per cubic inch than any other herb (food), and is naturally composed of over 77 different sulfur compounds. GARLIC is one of the few places to find DMSO and MSM in higher quantities, in a natural state, with all essential nutrients and enzymes necessary to process the sulfur into your system. Many of you are aware of the fact that, Organic Raw Unfiltered Apple cider Vinegar is one of the most effective catalysts used to help the body absorb herbs, vitamins and minerals. Total Tonic has it all and gives you all the above compounds naturally. There is no better formula available. Add to it the Echinacea which jump-starts and fires up your immune system faster and better than any other ingredient, and any Cold or Flu is history. Period. Ian "Doc" Shillington Dr. John R. Christophers "Cold Sheet Treatment" Excerpt taken from The Cold Sheet Treatment by Dr. John R. Christopher ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To do this program properly, you should have at least two people. This treatment takes time, and is best to do in the evening so your patient can sleep through the night after the treatment. It is wise to make all your preparations before you proceed with the Cold Sheet Treatment. Cold Sheet Treatment Preparations: Iced Sheet Take a large double sheet and soak in ice water. Diaphoretic Tea Prepare a gallon of diaphoretic tea. This can be any good sweating herb, preferably yarrow. But it can also be blessed thistle, chamomile, pleurisy root, boneset, thyme, Hyssop, garden sage, catnip, spearmint, or any other good, diaphoretic herb. For one gallon: 1 cup of diaphoretic herb 1 gallon or 4 liters distilled water Preparation: Pour boiling water over herbs, cover, allow to steep (not boil) in a warm place 30 minutes. Strain and sweeten with honey if desired. Keep warm until used. Garlic Paste To prepare a garlic paste for an adult, use 1 part garlic and 1 part petroleum jelly. Reduce the amount of garlic for a child or small infant to 1 part garlic to 3 parts petroleum jelly. For an adult, you will want about 1 cup of paste. Crush or finely grate peeled garlic cloves. Blend with an equal amount of petroleum jelly. Hot Bath Fill a hot tub of hot water. Add to the water, according to your tolerance, one or all of the following diaphoretic herbs, ginger being the most mild, then dry mustard, with cayenne as the most stimulant. Use 1 ounce of each herb. Bed with Plastic Prepare a bed by placing a rubber or plastic sheet over the mattress, with a cotton sheet over it. Have several natural blankets on hand, such as wool or cotton. Enema 4 tablespoons catnip, sage, or red raspberry cut or powdered herb 1 quart distilled water Preparation: Bring distilled water to a boil and pour over cut herb. Steep for 30 minutes. Strain the herb and set in refrigerator until tea is cool. Pour tea into enema bucket or bag. Lubricate the end of the enema hose to be inserted into the rectum. Garlic Injection 1 cup apple cider vinegar 1 cup distilled water 3 or more cloves of garlic Preparation: Combine vinegar and water. Grate, squeeze through garlic press, or puree in blender 3 cloves of garlic until finely crushed. Blend in water and vinegar mixture. Put mixture into syringe and check flow. If flow is loose, add additional crushed garlic. Continue adding as much garlic as you can, making sure the mixture flows from syringe without clogging. Cold Sheet Treatment: Step One: Cleansing Enema Give the patient an enema using catnip, sage, red raspberry or some other herb, but preferably catnip. You will want to administer this enema cold. Important Note: Do not use enemas except in the case of emergencies. Step Two: Garlic Injection In herbology an injection is never a needle; it is a syringe type application into an already existing orifice of the body, i.e. the rectum, ears, or nose. Insert the prepared injection into the rectum with a syringe. Use the full pint for an adult and less for a child. Have your patient retain the injection for as long as possible before voiding. Step Three: Hydrotherapy After the patient has voided the garlic injection, help him or her into a hot bath prepared with diaphoretic herbs. Have the water as hot as your patient can possibly tolerate. Cayenne, dry mustard, and ginger will increase the perspiring of the patient by opening the pores wide. Step Four: Diaphoretic tea Do not give cold drinks. Instead, give them cups of hot diaphoretic tea, such as yarrow or another type. You will want to stay with only one type of tea. Have your patient drink as much as possible. This will keep the patient from a dry fever. You should give them a cup to drink about every 10 to 15 minutes. Your patient may get lightheaded and feel like fainting. If so, place a cold towel or washcloth on their forehead. Leave the patient in the hot bath as long as possible, at least 45 minutes (may reduce for a small infant). You will know when to get a child out when perspiration starts to bead up on the face. At this point, give them 10 to 15 more minutes. When your patient is ready to leave the tub, you will need to lift him or her out, as they will be unable to support themselves. Fainting can occur when you pull the patient out of the bath. Keep a cayenne tincture on hand in case your patient goes into shock. Step Five: Cold Sheet Therapy After you have helped the patient out of the bath, wrap the large double cotton sheet, dripping wet from being soaked in ice-cold water, around the standing patient. With just the head and the feet protruding, pin the sheet down the side. Help your patient into the prepared bed that has been covered with plastic and with a cotton sheet. Then place dry cotton sheet covers over the patient while they are still wrapped in the cold sheet. Add additional natural fiber blankets over the top of the sheet for warmth and to continue the sweating routine. Step Six: Garlic Paste With your patient lying down in bed, thoroughly massage their feet from the ankles down with olive oil. Allow as much of this oil to be absorbed into the skin as possible, covering the soles, sides, and entire foot area. After you have massaged each foot, prepare a strip of cotton that is wide enough to cover the bottom of the foot with A« inch of the garlic paste. When this is done, place the strip of cotton with the past on the sole of the foot, then take a roll of two-inch gauze and gently wrap the foot to secure the strip of garlic to the foot. With this in place, gently pull over the foot and gauze bandage a large white cotton wool sock to hold everything in place. Do not allow the paste to get up on the sides or on top of the foot. Put it only on the sole. Put the bandaged feet back under the cold, wet sheet and pin the bottom of the sheet together so that the patient will be in a wet sack. You will want to use a large double sheet instead of small because it will allow your patient to roll or turn around without being too closely confined. Step Seven: Sound Sleep In most cases, your patient will sleep soundly all night in the cold sheet. You do not have to worry about them wanting to get up to urinate because of the large amount of tea they drank. While the body is in the cold, wet sheet, the subconscious mind will build an artificial fever to warm the body. From this incubation process, the patient's body will use the fluid from the ingested teas and accumulated moisture from their bath to warm the outside of their wet body. While this is being done the body breaks loose old toxins, drugs and medicines, mucus and poisons which have accumulated and carries them out of the body through the sweating process. Your patient will lie all night in a deep sleep, sweating out the poisons of their body. When your patient wakes in the morning, they will be refreshed and invigorated from having such a thorough cleanse. The large, white sheet, which was wrapped around your patient, will no longer be wet. In addition, it should no longer be white. It will often be stained with toxic residue secreted out of the body during the night. Step Eight: Sponge Bath After your patient awakes out of the deep sleep, take them out of the bed and sponge them down thoroughly with a warm mixture of 1 part apple cider vinegar and 1 part distilled water. You will probably want 1 quart of solution, so use approximately 1 pint of each. This removes any remaining toxic residue from the outer layers of the skin. It is very important that you do not leave toxic residue on the skin. Put fresh clothing on the patient and fresh bedding on the bed. Now you will want your patient to go back to be and relax for a while to regain their strength. Step Nine: Juice Therapy Your patient should by this time have a desire for something to drink or to eat. This is a critical moment for your patient; what they eat will either retain or cause them to lose their health. They may even have cravings from the past. They may desire a steak, a full meal, processed beverages, ice cream, or other junk food. Do not respond to these desires. Instead give your patient fresh fruit or vegetable juices (juices from Dr. N.W. Walker's Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices or Wheat Grass drink in School of Natural Healing, pp. 610-614), or bottled fresh grape juice, apple juice, etc, with no additives. Each mouthful of juice should be swished or chewed thoroughly to mix it with the saliva for good assimilation. In addition, chewing your juice will prevent an unpleasant sugar reaction if your patient is hypoglycemic or diabetic. Do not mix the patients juices. If a different juice is desired, wait at least one half hour before using a different one. After a few hours, if your patient is very hungry, let them have a little ripe fresh fruit, but it must be chewed to a liquid before swallowing. During the day it is good for your patient to have as much distilled water as desired and some good herb teas. It is best to keep your patient on juice therapy for one to two days to allow thorough cleansing of the digestive organs before going into the Mucusless diet. Step Ten: Teaching Your Patient After a bad siege of body malfunction, it is wise to instruct the patient why they were in this condition, and what to do from this point on to prevent a reoccurrence of the disease. Your patient may get immediate relief from the Cold Sheet Treatment, but if they do not change their health habits, they will not be able to retain their health. Dandelion Wine 5 quarts blossoms ( pack tight) 5 quarts water 3 lbs. sugar ( yeah I know- but honey didn't work right) 1 orange 1 lemon 1 pkg. dry active yeast- 1 slice whole wheat toast. Add 5 quart boiling water to blossoms. Let set covered for a day. Day 2 strain off blossoms. Add citrus juice to the dandelion tea- also put in peel. Boil 30- 60 minutes. Cool to room temp. Toast bread. Add water to yeast(warm) and just enough to make a paste. Spread on whole wheat . Float in the juice for 3 days.( covered) Strain and let rest 1 day. Strain into bottles jars and drink in 3/4 months. The following is my formula for DEEP TISSUE REPAIR OIL. This formula is awesome, and I have found it to be beneficial for arthritis patients, torn ligaments, pulled muscles, and maladjusted vertebrae. Suprisingly, it will sometimes get rid of a headache almost instantly if you put a drop on both of your temples and rub it in. Used in conjuction with Dr. Christopher's BF&C formula (tea & tincture), and you can create miracles of healing in the damaged area. Much love, Ian "Doc" Shillington N.D. Deep Tissue Repair Oil Formula 32 oz. Wintergreen Oil 16 oz. Cold Pressed Organic Virgin Olive Oil 12 oz. Menthol Crystals (must be made from Peppermint or Thyme) 1/2 cup of DMSO 2 cups Arnica Flowers (Dry) 2 cups Calendula (Dried Marigold Flowers) 1 cup Ginger Root 1/2 cup Cayenne (Hottest you can find = Habanero) Blend for 2 minutes and store for two weeks. Add the DMSO after you have pressed the tincture. Do not get this formula near water in any shape or form or your mixture will mold. Doc Christopher's dosage formula is still the best I know of and I use it exclusively all the time. It's called the 150 rule. Take a person's weight and put that figure over 150. Reduce the resultant fraction down to its smallest common denominator and you have your dosage. I never go by age as that is too uncertain. You may have a six month old who weighs 15 lbs or 30 lbs depending on genetic makeup, health, etc. I would give these two babies totally different dosages though I might start both on just one drop of a tincture. Using the above rule, it would work out this way: Baby #1 at 15 lbs would get this dosage. 15/150 reduces to 1/10th the normal dosage. Baby #2 at 30 lbs would get this dosage. 30/150 reduces to 1/5th the normal dosage. When it comes to babies and the elderly who are really sick, I will test "one drop" on the patients tongue to see if there is any adverse reaction first, and if none, will work up to the above formula dosages usually within the first day, always monitoring as I go along and increasing the dosage. I've given Cayenne to very young children starting with drops and ending with dropperfuls to tremendous results. Hope this helps. Love, Ian "Doc" Shillington Do not complain to me about the name. Even though I created this recipe, the Dragon Snot name was invented by a dear long time friend of mine who was trying to create a little excitement, and adventure for her 7 year old daughter in order to encourage her to drink it. She happens to be a world renowned teacher and literally knows thousands of people, the name travelled like wild fire totally out of my control, and I refuse to take any responsibility for it ;o) ((Dragon Snot is a natural food source Vitamin /Mineral drink.)) The Dragon Snot Recipe: 2 rounded tablespoons of Total Nutrition 2 tablespoons of UDO's Oil 2 raw organic eggs, All mixed in a blender filled with 10 to 12 oz of organic fresh apple juice. Add your favorite fruit to taste ;o) Much love, Doc Dr. Ian Shillington 505-772-5889Ear Drops: This is one of those recipes that you can make to suit yourself as far as its potency is concerned. My favorite is: 1 cup of Organic Cold Pressed Olive Oil 2 tablespoons of powdered Mullein 3 medium sized cloves of garlic Throw in a blender and puree the dickens out of it. Place in a jar and store in a dark place for two weeks. Make sure you shake daily. At the end of two weeks strain, press and bottle and there you go. Very easy. On a very bad infection, I'll use more garlic and on children I'll use only two, and it's not necessary to wait the two weeks if you need it right away. Again, experiment around to suit your own tastes. Best is to make your batch on the New Moon and press it on the Full Moon. Much love, Doc Ian "Doc" Shillington N.D. 505-772-5889 Copyright (c) 2003 by Ian Shillington N.D. All rights reserved.Echinacea Made from organic and/or wildcrafted roots, this herb wakes up and fortifies your immune system. Echinacea is the greatest for Colds, Flu, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, AIDS, Ebola, Infections, ETC. Echinacea stimulates your body to manufacture more immune cells and more disease fighting immune chemicals. A good analogy would be: Turning on the key to your automobile. It sends a jolt from your battery to crank over your starter motor and thusly the engine. Once your engine has turned over a few times and it's running, you release the key. You build immune cells and immune chemicals from a good solid nutritional food program, a good juice program and Total Nutritionr. Herbs tell your body what it needs to do but it's great nutrition that acts as the foundation, and brings about healing faster and more completely. A good general rule is split up your Echinacea usage into a half on - half off regimen. One week on and a week off is excellent. Two weeks on and 1 week off would also be good, or 3 weeks on (that would be about the limit) and 1 week off if you were doing a major cleansing action. Take a break from Echinacea and let your body heal. After all, you wouldn't keep turning on the ignition once the engine was going would you? Herbs are only the tools of natural healing; the catalysts. If your nutritional intake is good, Echinacea will dramatically boost immunity. But, people like to see herbs stand alone, just like pharmaceuticals and they won't! Many people don't want to hear that because they're smoking two packs of cigarettes a day, popping down a six-pack of Bud with a pepperoni pizza and they think that a few herbs may handle the negative effects without changing their lifestyle. Let's get real. The dosages on the label are the starting points. I have taken two to eight times as much with absolutely no problems. Don't be afraid of herbs, especially when on a comprehensive program. Dosages 1. Preventative Dosage: If you are well and want to stay healthy, every month use 2 dropperfuls 3 times a day until you use up a 2 oz bottle. 2. Nipping a Cold or Flu in the bud: If you are feeling a bit off, about to get sick, fighting something off, double the above dosage to 2 dropperfuls 6 times a day until you use up a bottle. 3. You've already got a Cold/Flu and it hit you like a ton of bricks: For sore throat, lung congestion, skin rash or your power is down blast 1 dropperful every hour that you are awake. 4. You're completely out of it: If you are really sick, have food poisoning, and/or a fever, you want to do an immediate aggressive handling. Take one fluid oz all at once in a shot glass. Knock it back (or dilute « oz. in distilled water and 30 min. later dilute and drink another « oz.) and continue with 2 dropperfuls every waking hour until you use up a bottle. Next day continue the 2 dropperfuls every waking hour until another 2 oz are used up. Copyright c 1999 by Ian Shillington. All rights reserved. PO Box 889, DATIL, NM, 87821 Phone: 505-772-5889 e-mail: Echinacea Plus Formula How to make Throw your fresh chopped-up Echinacea Angustafolia roots into a blender with 100 Proof Vodka / Everclear / Alcohol and puree. Pour mixture into a gallon jar so that by the time you are finished, at least 2/3rds to 3/4ers of the jar is filled with plant matter. Shake this mixture at least once a day. Best is to make on the new moon and press on the full moon. After you have pressed out the plant matter after a minimum of 14 days, you should have about 3/4'ers of you jar filled with your freshly made tincture. Add 3 dropperfuls of Cayenne tincture and 3 dropperfuls of freshly squeezed Garlic juice. This is the Echinacea Plus formula. Much love, Doc Ian "Doc" Shillington N.D. 505-772-5889 Copyright (c) 2003 by Ian Shillington N.D. All rights reserved.EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR Liver/Gallbladder, Pancreas & Kidney Flush Drink, Kidney & Liver Tea, Potassium Broth and The Bomb All Ingredients Must Be Organic SHOPPING LIST SUMMARY If you have any questions, go to the details that follow on Page 4 through 10 If you don't already own the following items you can elect to beg, buy or borrow them. Consider if you are a healthy person doing a maintenance cleanse a couple of times a year or a person handling an "incurable" disease. The "incurable" category may chose to cycle through the cleanses a number of times until they are happy with the results obtained. How often you plan to do the cleanses may influence your decision to buy or borrow. For a healthy change of lifestyle, we always recommend that you buy them. Blender (needed weeks 1 through 4 and ongoing) Vegetable Juicer - (needed weeks 3 & 4 and ongoing.) Week 1 ongoing if you are on an "incurable" program such as cancer, heart disease or diabetes. An abundance of fresh, organic fruit and vegetables and juices are important to strengthen and rebuild health. Some cancer programs recommend organic juices only and others suggest juices as well as lots or only raw foods. We encourage you to own your own juicer and recommend the Champion juicer. There are lots of good juicers out there, but we prefer the Champion. It's so tough that you'll be handing it down to your grandchildren. Citrus Juicer - hand or electric - (needed weeks 3 & 4 and ongoing) Hand juicer is a bit labor intensive. The electric ones cost $15 to $20 and are well worth the investment. 5 Gallon Stainless Steel Pot with Lid - If you do not own one and don't want to buy one for ongoing use, borrow one from a friend, church or school. (needed week 3 for one day) Canning jars and lids - pint, quart or « gallon are perfect or other containers to store Potassium broth. (needed weeks 3 & 4). Standard Mason / Ball jars are ideal. A Sharp Paring Knife A Vegetable Scrub Brush A Colander or Large Strainer A Bowl to put under the Colander/Strainer to collect dripping broth. 14 Gallons Distilled Water 3 Gallons Drinking Water (needed weeks 1 through 4) 1 Gallon Liver/Gall and Kidney Flush Drinks (needed for weeks 3 & 4) 2 Gallons Liver Tea (needed for week 3) 2 Gallons Kidney Tea (needed for week 4) 2 Gallons Potassium Broth (needed for week 3) 2 Gallons Potassium Broth (needed for week 4) Note Well: Please read this entire section to get a good overall idea of what you are shopping for because my idea of a "large onion" or "the size of an orange that will give X amount of juice" may be very different from yours. This list is to make things as simple as possible but please do read everything and I know you will think for yourself. If you have questions, try reading the details in the sections that follow as they are intended to clarify further the exact things you will need for the entire cleanse. 15 to 20 Organic Oranges in Spring/Summer (Liver-Gall. Flush Drink needed week 3) or combination of citrus: oranges, grapefruit, lemons and limes to equal 8 oz. a day of juice for 5 days. or 20 to 30 Organic Apples in Winter/Fall (Liver-Gall. Flush Drink needed week 3) and 5 Bunches of Organic Grapes in Winter/Fall (Liver-Gall Flush Drink needed week 3) 16 oz. Bottle Organic Olive Oil (8 oz. Liver-Gall. Flush Drink & 4 - 8 oz. for Bomb needed week 3) Large piece of Ginger Root - size of an adult male hand - need 15 pieces 1 inch by 1 inch (Liver-Gall Flush Drink needed week 3) 7 Bulbs Organic Garlic (2 bulbs Liv-Gall Flush Drink needed week 3) (5 bulbs Potassium Broth needed weeks 3 & 4) 1 Bunch Organic Celery (Potassium Broth needed weeks 3 & 4) 10 Lbs. Organic Potatoes Tray to find ones without any green on the skins. (Potassium Broth needed weeks 3 & 4) 5 Lbs. Carrots - (Potassium Broth needed weeks 3 & 4) 2 Bunches (6-8 good sized) Beets with tops if possible (Potassium Broth needed weeks 3 & 4) 8 to 10 Large White Organic Onions Yellow onions are fine if white are not available (Potassium Broth needed weeks 3 & 4) 3 bunches of Organic Greens - 2 Beet if available plus one other. If beet not available, substitute Spinach, Chard or Kale. (Potassium Broth - needed weeks 3 and 4) 1 or 2 Organic Hot Peppers - 1 Habanero (very hot) or 2 Scotch Bonnet (hot) or a couple of Jalapeno to taste. Often it is difficult to find organic so use commercial if organic are not available. (Potassium Broth - needed weeks 3 & 4) 1 to 2 Tablespoons of Celtic Sea Salt - This is the best salt without question. It is available through Organic Solutions if you can't get it locally (Pot. Broth needed weeks 3 & 4). 13 to 18 lemons - 13 good size and juicy, 18 if small and not juicy (8 for Bomb needed the end of week 3 and 5-10 for Kidney/Bladder Flush Drink - needed week 4) 5 to 10 Organic Limes - 5 if good size and juicy, 10 if small and not juicy (Kidney/Bladder Flush Drink needed for week 4) Often Organic Limes are not available. Substitute Organic Lemons if Limes are not available in organic. Organic produce is the only way to go here. Organic Maple Syrup - optional - 5 tsps. to taste (Kidney/Bladder Flush - needed week 4) THIS IS THE END OF THE SIMPLIFIED SHOPPING LIST! THE PREVIOUS "SIMPLIFIED SHOPPING LIST" WAS EXCERPTED FROM THE FOLLOWING MORE DETAILED AND EXPANDED INFORMATION. YOU WILL SEE THAT ALL ITEMS LISTED ABOVE APPEAR BELOW UNDER THE HEADING OF THE CLEANSE STEPS. YOU WILL BE REVIEWING SOME THINGS YOU HAVE READ PREVIOUSLY BUT MORE SPECIFICS ARE INCLUDED TO HELP YOU UNDERSTAND EVEN MORE EXACTLY WHAT IS INVOLVED IN EACH PART OF THE CLEANSE. DISTILLED WATER FOR DRINKING WATER IT IS IMPORTANT TO DRINK A TOTAL OF 1 GALLON OF LIQUIDS A DAY THIS INCLUDES MORNING FLUSH DRINKS, TEAS, TOTAL NUTRITION DRINKS, JUICES ETC. Keep several gallons of Distilled Water on hand and drink it to make up your gallon a day! LIVER-GALLBLADDER MORNING FLUSH DRINK FOR RECIPE REFER TO SEPARATE DATA SHEET ENTITLED: FIVE-DAY CLEANSING AND DETOXIFICATION OF THE LIVER & GALL-BLADDER This is a blender drink. All ingredients go into a blender and are blended. Things Needed: Blender Have a blender handy to make your morning drink. Chose Option 1 or Option 2 depending on when you are doing the cleanse Spring/Summer or Winter/Fall. Since climates vary, the idea is to use the fruits that are in season in your area at the time you do the cleanse. Fresh, local, organic fruit is the best when possible. Option 1. In Spring and Summer citrus juice is recommended. If the morning Liver-Gallbladder Flush Drink is being made with citrus, you will need the following: Citrus Juicer - Hand juicing is a bit labor intensive. If you do not already own an electric citrus juicer, consider purchasing one. They generally run around $15 to $20. Organic Citrus - Suggest 3-4 oranges per day per person to make the 8 oz. (1 cup) of juice for your flush drink, If you wish to use a combination or citrus, adjust amount to include grapefruit, lemons, and limes. You may wish to buy additional oranges for eating and juicing. If so check on buying cases of oranges from your health food store as cases are usually discounted. (Additional lemons are needed for the Bomb) OR Option 2. In Fall or Winter, apple and/or grape juice is recommended. If the morning Liver-Gallbladder Flush Drink is being made with fresh apple juice or grape juice you will need: Vegetable Juicer - If you do not currently own a juicer, we recommend and therefore sell the Champion juicer. There are many good juicers on the market. Call us and we will tell you why we prefer the Champion. It is the best. Organic Apples/and or Grapes - Like other fruits, apples and grapes vary in the amount of juice you will get from them. You may need to purchase a few, bring them home and juice them to determine how many you will need. We love and eat lots of apples year round so I just buy a case or guesstimate how many I'll need depending on the size and juiciness of he apples. For simplicity sake, let's say 20 to 30 apples and 5 bunches of grapes if that sounds good to you. Organic Cold Pressed Olive Oil - 16 oz. bottle (15 TBS. of oil per person for the morning drink for 5 days = approx. 1 cup total or 8 oz.) Additional oil needed to do the Bomb. Fresh Organic Ginger root - 1 large about the size of your hand depending upon the thickness of the Ginger (15 pieces per person approx. 1 inch by 1 inch per piece) Organic Garlic - 2 bulbs per person (15 cloves per person) Additional Garlic needed for Potassium Broth. Distilled Water - 8 oz. per drink per person times 5 days = 40 oz. or 1 quart plus 1 cup Buy 1 gallon for this drink plus the Kidney Flush drink below. LIVER-GALLBLADDER TEA YOU NEED: Distilled Water - 6 cups per day per person for 5 days = approx. 2 gallons Liver-Gallbladder Tea - available from Organic Solutions. Follow directions on the tea label. Liver-Gallbladder Tincture - available from Organic Solutions. You can either put the tincture into the tea or take the tincture separately and then enjoy your tea. I personally love the tea! The tincture is strong and in my opinion ruins the wonderful flavor of the tea so I down the tincture first and then drink my tea. Kidney Flush Morning Blender Drink FOR THE EXACT RECIPE REFER TO SEPARATE DATA SHEET ENTITLED: Five-Day cleansing and detoxification program for the kidney and bladder this drink can be blended in a blender or shaken up in a jar. Things needed: Blender or a quart jar with a lid. Hand or Electric Citrus Juicer Organic Lemons - 5 - 10 Use one each morning for 5 mornings if lemons is good sized and juicy. If not, then use 2 per day. Organic Limes - 5 - 10 Use one each morning for 5 mornings if lime is good sized and juicy. If not, then use 2 per day. When organic limes are not available, substitute organic lemons. If lemons are small or not juicy, we recommend using 2 each day instead of just 1. If limes are small or not juicy, we recommend using 2 each day instead of just 1. Adjust number purchased when shopping if lemons and/or limes are small or not juicy. Distilled Water - 16 ounces times 5 days = 80 ounces. Buy a gallon to make this drink and the Liver-Gallbladder drink above. Best is to own your own distillery. This is a great investment. Organic Cayenne pepper (powder or tincture) - a pinch of powder or 1-2 drops of tincture Organic Maple Syrup - optional - to taste 1 tsp. a day for 5 days = 5 tspns. KIDNEY/BLADDER TEA - NEED TO MAKE: Kidney Tea - available from Organic Solutions. Follow directions on the tea label. Distilled Water - 6 cups per person per day for 5 days = 30 cups = 7 « quarts Buy 2 gallons. Kidney Tincture (available Organic Solutions) Note: You may take the tincture first or add it to your tea. I think the tincture is strong so I down it first and then enjoy drinking my 2 cups of tea. POTASSIUM BROTH: THIS BROTH IS USED ON THE LIVER-GALLBLADDER & KIDNEY FLUSH THINGS NEEDED: 5 Gallon Stainless Steel Pot with Lid. Put your pot on the stove, pour in one gallon of distilled water and turn burner on medium. Start preparing and tossing in the vegetables as you finish preparing them. When you notice steam rising from your broth, turn the burner to as low as it will go. As you add more vegetables, you can add additional gallons of distilled water to cover contents. Again you can turn your burner higher and again turn it down when you see the steam rising. Repeat this process until you have all your vegetables in the pot. This process speeds up the process by heating the water as you go along. We let ours simmer without a lid for an hour or two of the 6 or 7 hours and get less broth that is thicker and stronger in taste. Important: Do not simmer for 6 to 7 hours with the lid off or you will end up with little or no broth. Do not use an aluminum pot ever! 10 lbs. of Organic Potatoes (25% Potato Peels) Find ones with no green on them. You will only use the peels in the broth. Scrub potatoes with a vegetable brush. Cut out any bad parts. Remember to cut off 3/8 inch thick peels. I use a knife as a peeler dues very thin peels. Use peeled potatoes in juicer or for soups/mashed potatoes/potato salad for a family member not on the cleanse, or freeze for later use. 5 lbs. of Organic Carrots (25% Carrot peels and Whole Chopped Beets) Again only the peels go into the broth. Scrub carrots with a vegetable brush and cut both ends off if damaged or moldy. When the carrots are only « inch in diameter, I don't peel this part. I simply cut the carrot into chunks, toss them in the pot and peel the remainder of the carrot. The peeled carrots that are left after peels are put into the broth should be juiced as soon as possible and may be stored in plastic bags in the fridge until juiced. 2 Bunches of Organic Beets -6 - 8 good sized with fresh greens attached if possible. Pick the beets with the freshest looking green leaves. If the beets have tops, cut them off close to the top of the beet and save. Scrub beets very well with a vegetable brush and cut them into 1 inch pieces. Put in pot. 8 - 10 Large Organic Onions (25% chopped onions including 50 cloves of Organic Garlic) White onions are preferred as they are stronger than the yellow onions; however, yellow are OK and should be used when the white are not available. Remove any skins that are moldy. Cut into 1 inch pieces and toss into your broth. 50 Cloves of Organic Garlic = approximately 5 bulbs if each bulb has about 10 cloves (5 bulbs for broth - 2 bulbs per person additional for Liver morning drink) There is no need to peel all of the cloves. Look for any mold and if there isn't any, each clove can be hit with a hammer (skin and all) and tossed into the broth. This saves a lot of time! 1 Bunch of Organic Celery (25% Celery and Dark Greens) separate stalks, wash well, cut in 1 inch chunks and toss into pot. Beet Greens if you have them or if no beet greens substitute 2 bunches of Spinach or Chard. Often beet greens are quite muddy so wash each leaf well, tear it in half 1 bunch of Kale, Spinach, Chard or other preferred greens. Note: wash all greens well with lots of cold water. Spinach can have lots of sand and be gritty if not washed carefully. Greens cook down to almost nothing and disappear in volume. I put greens in last so that if the pot if very full, I can crunch them down a bit and know that as soon as the steam reaches them, they will shrink drastically and my lid will go down onto the pot. 4 - 6 gallons of Distilled Water - cover vegetables with water if you haven't already done so. In a case where your pot is overflowing with greens, keep your water level at least 2 inches below the top of the pot. Your greens will go down and your pot will not boil over. (additional distilled water needed for Liver-Gallbladder Flush, Kidney Flush Drink, teas and drinking) 1-2 of the hottest peppers you can find or 1-5 milder peppers to taste 2 -Scotch bonnet is hot. 1 - Habenero is 300,000 heat units Sometimes fresh organic peppers are not possible to find so use commercial if organic is not available or use some of your Cayenne tincture = start with a tspn., stir well and taste. Add more if desired. Celtic Sea Salt - to taste. We use about 1 rounded Tablespoon and add more at the table if needed. Pepper can be added when you sit down to enjoy your broth if desired. Containers to store the broth. Pint, quart or « gallon canning jars with lids are perfect! Be sure jars are clean and I recommend using new lids if you have them. This broth is delicious and nutritious for the whole family cleanse or no cleanse. Some like it hot. Some like it cold. Some like it both ways. So discover your favorite. To get some prediction on how long it will take to make your broth, consider the time it will take you to drive to the store and shop and return home, the time involved in washing and preparing the vegetables, your time separating the veggies from the broth once it is cooked, putting the broth in storage containers, and cleaning up afterwards. I start in the morning and allow 2 hours for shopping and 2 hours prep time (less if I can get someone to help me out). By noon my gas range is as low as the flame will go with a heat diffuser under the pot with the lid on. I leave the broth simmering with the lid on for 5 hours and the lid off for no more than 2 hours. If you take the lid off, you should see steam but no large, rolling bubbles-maybe some real small bubbles. I use a heat diffuser. If you aren't familiar with these, they are a circle of two pieces of metal with a space and held together on the edges. When placed between the burner and the bottom of the pot, it creates a space putting less heat directly on the bottom of the pot so the overall temperature of your broth is lower. At around 7 p.m., I turn the burner off and remove the lid to allow the broth to cool for an hour. Then I remove vegetables with a slotted spoon or soup ladle and put them into a colander or large strainer over a bowl to collect dripping broth. Once the liquid has dripped, toss cooked vegetables into your compost, chicken coop or discard. Pour warm broth into warm or room temperature glass jars (canning jars with rubber seal lids are ideal), wipe rim of jar and put the lid on firmly, let cool for at least an hour or overnight if temperatures are cool and store in the refrigerator. Remember when pouring hot broth into jars, the jars should be suited for hot liquid and at least room temperature not cold as hot liquid poured into a cold jar can cause the jar to crack and break and your precious broth will be all over the floor. Especially when making a large quantity to consume over several weeks, it is best to pour hot broth into canning jars and use appropriate canning lids with seals so that when you put them in the refrigerator, you actually get a slight seal on the lid that pops when you open it. I've had the broth stay good for 2 weeks in the refrigerator. If canned properly, it stands to reason it could last even longer. My opinion is that the garlic, onion and salt act as a preservative. If your broth doesn't disappear within 1 to 2 weeks, ours doesn't even last a week, always smell and taste before consuming to be sure your broth is still good. Relax and have fun making your broth! A funny story. Just last week a friend called us from Albuquerque and asked if he could come over to our home and make his potassium broth. We said yes and he arrived 2 1/2 hours later with 1 potato, 3 beets with tops, 50 cloves of garlic, 5 lbs. of carrots, a bunch of celery and 3 onions. Now you can see from the list of things above that this is a far cry from the percentages of ingredients outlined for the Potassium broth recipe. I peeled 5 Yukon gold potatoes and tossed these peels into his broth and made mashed potatoes for my son. I also contributed sea salt. We all had fun making the broth and it turned out great! Our 25 year old friend loved his broth! So relax and have some FUN making yours. You have the advantage of this new shopping list to help you out. THE LIVER -GALLBLADDER BOMB THIS FLUSH IS DONE AFTER COMPLETING THE LIVER-GALL. FLUSH FOR EXACT RECIPE SEE SEPARATE DATA SHEET ENTITLED: THE BOMB THINGS NEEDED: Organic Lemons - enough to make 1/2 cup lemon juice. Suggest buying twice as many in case it is necessary to do the bomb twice in a row. Probably 4 lemons will make « cup. Organic Cold Pressed Olive Oil - 1/2 cup for each bomb. Suggest 1 cup in case 2 bombs are required. Epsom Salts Left over Olive Oil and Lemons can be used to make great salad dressings! These guidelines are intended to help you get a general idea of what you will need for the cleanses. When you are shopping, remember that you are the one standing there looking at how big the onions and beets are and seeing the size of the bunches of greens so use your own good judgment. For the fun and sanity of all, this is not rocket science so above all please have fun creating the broth and your morning drinks. Yours in health and love, Valorie and Ian "Doc" Shillington (Revised March 11, 2003) EyeBright Formula 1 Part - Eyebright Herb 1 Part - Bayberry Bark 1 Part - Red raspberry 1 Part - Goldenseal 1/8 Part - Cayenne pepper in a base of 50% Water and 50% Alcohol = 100 Proof. A Part is a part by volume. Add 1 Cup of DMSO to a gallon of the above tincture. Ian "Doc" Shillington Copyright (C) 2001 by Ian Shillington. All rights reserved. Note: The original Doc Christopher formulae for these listed below contained the addition of equal parts of Blue and Black Cohosh. I strongly recommend you put them back into these formulae. Ian "Doc" Shillington #1 Basic Endrocrine Balance Formula (men and women and even for Diabetes) 1 part Chaste Tree Berry (Vitex) 1 part Angelica sinensis 1 part wild Yam #2 Endrocrine Balancer and Sedative Formula 1 part chaste Tree Berry 1 part angelica S. 1 part Wild yam 1 part Valerian Root 1 part Passion flowers 1 part Hops flowers #3 Menopausal Ladies Fornula 50% - 1 part Chaste Tree Berry 1 part angelica 1 part Wild yam 50% - 1 part Black cohosh 1 part Blue Cohosh 1 part Blue Vervain 1 part Scullcap 1 part Lobelia 1 part Skunk Cabbage. #4 Female Tonic Formula 4 oz Dong Quai 4 oz Wild Yam 4 oz Chaste Tree 2 oz licorice 1.5 oz Damiana Leaf .75oz Hops Flower #4 Female Menopause Hormone Balance Formula 25% Dong Quai (Angelica Sinensis) 25% Chaste Tree Berry 25% Wild Yam Root 12 1/2% Equal parts of -Valerian Root -Passion Flower -Hops flower 12 1/2% Equal Parts of - Uva Ursi Leaf - Cornsilk - Juniper Berries - Dandelion Root. You can vary these to suit your needs. Much love, DocGarlic Paste for Pneumonia by Dr. Christopher I remember one time we were called out to a house in the wee hours of the morning. This call was to see a little boy, under the age of two years, that had double pneumonia. The physician on the case had informed the parents that nothing more could be done and he would come back in the morning to sign the child's death certificate. Seeing as it was well under forty degrees below zero and nearly fifty miles from ambulance service, the parents were told that the boy, if taken by car to a hospital, would surely die. These parents tried to get other doctors, but at that time of night, and in such a remote area, no one would offer help. A friend told them about us, then living in Evanston, Wyoming and to try to call us. Having been told of the boy's condition we went expecting to give him the cold-sheet-treatment. Upon arriving there we found that the plumbing was frozen and there was not running water in the house. We found enough in the toilet tank above the bowl to give the little chap an enema. We were not able to give the cold sheet treatment (no water) so only the garlic paste was made up and applied. This was done after a complete massage of the body and the feet. After oiling the feet up to the ankles, thoroughly, and massaging the olive oil in well, a half-inch thickness of the garlic paste was applied to the soles of his feet. (This is put on only the soles and not up onto the sides). Then gauze was placed over to cover the paste, bandages to hold it into place, and a loose white cotton sick was pulled over the bandages to hold them securely. Garlic paste is made by taking freshly peeled buttons of garlic and garlic about half and half with Vaseline. This amount can very, according to the toughness of the feet, more Vaseline for tender feet, less for thicker skin. many of the health minded readers will be shocked by our using a low-vibration ointment like Vaseline instead of using anhydrous lanolin or some lighter more organic type. The reasoning for this is that the lighter type ointments will penetrate more quickly into the skin, but the Vaseline will hold the garlic on in ointment form. This will also keep the garlic from blistering as easily. (A garlic blister looks bad, but does not hurt and heals back quickly.) The little boy was running an extremely high fever and was delirious when he was covered and put back into bed. (This was well after 2:00 a.m.). We assured the parents the child would be all right and would get well. A few days later we were called again by these parents. They told us that the doctor came back to sign the death certificate that next morning, but the little boy was sitting in his high chair, drinking some juice and breathing normally as if nothing had happened the night before. The doctor became so angry and demanded to know the name of the other doctor who had taken over the case before it had been released by him. He wanted a hearing by "the board" to have the other doctor thrown out of practice for going "against procedure" by taking over a case without written release. The parents asked if his "release" was the death of their child? He probably changed his mind because we were not brought before a hearing. A Little About Garlic The garlic clove contains a very high amount of sulphur; sulphur is one of the best minerals to be used as an oxygen carrier. Oxygen is the breath of life and sulphur will carry the oxygen in the body directly to the infected area. Germs cannot live in a good supply of oxygen, therefore, the infection is cleared quickly. This is an organic wonder, so garlic may be termed 'a wonder herb'. Medical science discovered that sulphur caused this rapid healing, so in WWII, flowers of sulphur (an inorganic mined-mineral) was substituted for garlic. The army used sulfa for practically every ailment from "falling hair to fallen arches". Wonderful results were reported to us and we were told to use it in ever increasing amounts. The difference between garlic and the inorganic, manmade remedies is that garlic does its job and the excess of the organic materials not being used in healing the infection is easily passed as harmless vegetable fiber from the body. no harm and certainly nothing but good could result from using this powerful, yet harmless, herb. But, with the man-made sulfa drug we used, eventually combined with the urine and formed a substance that cut up the urinary tract, causing bed wetters. Many soldiers and other servicemen were given medical discharges, because of "bed wetting". This habit was acquired while in the service after the use of sulfa drugs. It is a well-known fact that too much sulfa drug has also caused other problems. The sulphur in the garlic will assist in healing the urinary tract after its infection-clearing job, instead of damaging it.Herbal First Aid Salve. 3 - Cups of Organic Olive Oil 1 - Tablespoon of Organic Tea Tree Oil 1 - Teaspoon of Organic Peppermint Oil Add the following herbs in a completely dry state only. Remember water and oil don't mix. 1/2 cup of Arnica Flowers 1/2 cup of Comfrey 1/4 cup of Marshmallow Root (either cut and sifted or powdered) 1/4 cup of Calendula Flowers Very important not to get any water around this mixture. Let sit for a minimum of two weeks, and then strain and press. Add an ounce or two of bees wax to stiffen to the consistency you like. This formula is excellent for cuts, lesions, eczema, poison ivy, burns, hemorrhoids, and bruises, and is also antiseptic, and somewhat of a coagulant = helps to stop bleeding. Furthermore, it is disinfectant. It is extremely good for just about any skin condition. I also make this formula using Jojoba Oil instead of Olive Oil = lasts longer as Olive Oil can go rancid over time. Copyright (c) 1999 by Ian "Doc" Shillington. All rights reserved. Doc Shillington 505-772-5889 (A part is a measurement by volume = cups, Tbls, etc.) 7 parts Goldenseal Root Powder 7 parts Bayberry Bark Powder 1 part Cayenne Pepper Powder 1 part Garlic Powder All the above must be ground up very finely. Best to use Habanero Cayenne as it is the hottest. Mix it very well as a clump of Cayenne could keep your eyes in tears for an hour ;o) Won't hurt you though. Ian "Doc" Shillington N.D. 505-772-5889 For anyone that wants the benefits of a herb without tasting the nasty stuff (cayenne) You could make a honeyball. Take the amount of herb you want to take daily- (make a couple days worth it easier-this is also good for kids) The herb needs to be powered. Mix in just enough raw honey to make a stiff clay like consistency. Roll it into a rope shape and cut it into single doses. ( 8 doses of herbs 8 pieces of honeyballs) You can pinch the ball apart and swallow whole or chew or whatever. Store in frig. With the Info. I got on how to make these- it stated- honey helps the digestion and assimilation of herbs. I haven't tried this with cayenne.( I know the taste of herbs is important in how they work- but I would think taking them this way would also serve in some ways.) June How to Make a Tincture I'm going to keep this very simple. There are many variations, but the following will get you through just about any situation when it comes to making any tincture you wish. And there won't be any better tinctures out there. 1. On the New Moon, fill a blender half full with a bunch of herbs. 2. Pour on top of the herbs 100 Proof Vodka so that the liquid settles 2 inches above the top level of the herbs in the blender. 3. Blend the hell out of it for about a minute. 4. Pour the mixture into a glass Mason jar and go store it in a dark place. 5. At least once a day, shake your mixture. 6. After two weeks (on the Full Moon), press your mixture using a Beer Press, a Potato Ricer and an organic cotton canvas clothe, or the fanciest press you can find and money can buy ;o) 7. Store your tincture in brown bottles and keep out of the light. You're done. That's all there is to it. You can use Apple Cider Vinegar instead of Alcohol with certain herbs, and my recommendation is to stay away from using Glycerin. There you go! You've just made the best tincture there is and which will really work. Love, Doc Copyright (c) by Ian 'Doc' Shillington. All rights reserved. 505-772-5889 LEAF TEAS: Dried or fresh herbs, can be used, but , if dried, they should be kept in an airtight containers to retain freshness. It is preferable to make herbal teas in porcelain or glass containers. Just as ordinary tea suffers from being too long in the pot, so can an herbal tea. Overlong steeping can ruin a delicate flavor. If a stronger tea is desired, add more herb at the outset. For average strength tea use 1-2 teaspoon dried or 3 teaspoons fresh herb per 1 cup of water. To steep, bring water to a boil, remove from heat, add herbs or place herbs in a cup and pour water over. Always cover the steeping vessel so as not to allow the volatile oil to escape. Approximate steeping time is 5 minutes. SEED TEAS: Teas from dried seeds are made by adding bruised seeds to a pan of boiling water and simmering for 5 minutes. ROOT AND BARK TEAS: Teas from roots and bark are prepared by boiling the cut and dried herb material in water for 10 to 15 minutes. All teas can be sweetened with a spoonful of honey or a little sugar if desired. Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the best catalyst there is. Whatever herb you mix it with will be assimilated that much quicker. It's absolutely great. ***************************************************************** We always made vinegar after we got done either making apple sauce or apple cider. We filled our 5 gallon crock with the leftovers or by products- stuff you normally waste- cover with cold water and cover. We would put it in a warm place and every so often put more peels when we made pie.Strain off the froth on the top as you go along. When it smells and taste like vinegar- we would strain it and put in sterilized jars and put the lid on. We stored it in our pantry which was cool and dark. Depending on sugar content of apples and ripeness and warmth depends on the amount of time. We had vinegar as soon as 4 weeks and up 12 week. Longer it sits after it's strained it seemed to taste better. June ***************************************************************** How to Make Vinegar ( Making vinegar is so easy it can be done by accident. We could even say that most of it is made without our cooperation or awareness. Making good vinegar, consistantly, is another story. That requires a little effort. But the effort pays well. Vinegar can be made from almost anything which contains sugar or starch. It is made from many different things; fruits, grains, roots even wood. It can be made directly from sugar but is best made by first converting the sugar into alcohol and then turning the alcohol into vinegar. The conversion from starch is a little trickier, but the process shares a lot of similarities. There are many ways to make vinegar and many of them are covered in our fun easy to read reference book on the subject. But for now let's stick to the very simplest way possible. If you want to learn more about vinegar and vinegar making join our club. To make vinegar the simplest way you need to find yourself; A container with a spout .(e.g. a sun tea jar) The spout is not mandatory but it sure makes things easier. The container should also have a wide mouth to let in air as well as a way to keep out flies. (Air is very important!) You will be visited by vinegar flies! They are my assistants. The container should be glass or stainless steel for best results. Aluminum and iron is definately out. Some plastics can work, some are dangerous because they react with vinegar. So, for now, I would skip plastics. Some fresh fruit juice. (Even the frozen variey will do. But I would stay away from the bottled ones because they add chemicals to keep the juice from turning to vinegar. (See how easy it is to make vinegar.) A starter culture. Notice I said "starter culture". Don't make a big deal about getting a "mother", it will probably ruin otherwise good vinegar. What you need are the bacteria which make vinegar. Check the home brew stores or pick up a bottle of unpasturized, unfiltered vinegar. I have had great success with Braggs Apple cider vinegar. The vinegar in the culture keeps out the other molds and bacteria until the vinegar bacteria have had a chance to take firm control of the juice. A dark place. You could also paint your jar or cover it . The object is to keep out the light. Light will slow the vinegar production or even kill your culture. A warm place. The precise temperature is not so critical but it does make a difference on how fast your vinegar is made. If you feel comfortable at that temperature, most likely the vinegar bacteria will be happy also. OK, we have a vinegar culture, a container to put it in, some food for it and lot's of warm air available to it.Pour about one quart of the starter into the container. Pour about the same amount of juice into the container. Put the mix into a warm dark place. Keep checking it until it is as strong as you like it or it seems to belosing strength. Bottle it in small bottles. Leave it for at least six months before using. (You could use it right away but, this will make it smoother) *************************************** From Laura: I have a fancy Italian cookbook that gives instructions for making your own red wine vinegar. I would use organic red wine (yes, there is such a thing, or you can make your own :-) You need a one gallon container (glass, enamel, stainless or brand-new wood), a bottle of wine and a slice of freshly baked bread. Soak the bread in a little wine until it's mushy. Pour the rest of the wine into your container, add the mushy bread and stir it up real well. Cover the container with a cloth (let in air but not bugs) and store somewhere warm and dark, like a kitchen cabinet. Depending on how much yeast was active in the bread and how warm your storage spot is, you'll get vinegar in anywhere from a week to a month. You can just keep adding wine to the container as you use the vinegar (add no more than half fresh wine, half old vinegar) and have a constant supply. This brew will also grow a "mother" (jellylike culture of the vinegar-making beasties) that you can scoop out and use to start a new batch in a separate container (or give to a friend). I haven't tried this -- still looking for the fancy wooden cask like in the cookbook photo ;-) I'm thinking you can use pretty much any variety of wine for this. I make mead (honey wine) pretty regularly, and the concept of mead vinegar just intrigues me, so I may just have to do this without the fancy wooden cask . . . ********************************Incurables Program (THE FIRST 30 DAYS) I highly suggest for anyone who has been diagnosed as incurable or hopeless to throw out the diagnosis. Whether you are new to natural healing or have years of natural healing knowledge, this 30-day program can save your life. I use this very program for people who have been written off as hopeless by other doctor's and health professionals. This program is intense and it works!! "You will get out of it what you put into it. You can either wait for someone to do it for you and hold your hand and that won't be me or you can jump in and give 110% and take full responsibility for your health and healing. Nothing less will do, so let's get started !!! Here are a few things to help your success rate: Read all this material top to bottom, take a deep breath, then read it again! Make sure you thoroughly read the section on each of the individual formulas and cleanses. Have all the supplies you will need for the 30 days. A juicer is not an option. If you don't have one, buy one today. It will save your life. If your not going to buy a juicer then, forget doing this program. Be responsible for yourself. No one ever got better by feeling sorry for themselves. The doctors are wrong, you can get well. LOVE - giving it and receiving it, is the most powerful cleansing and healing tool. Trust yourself, you will find your own answers as you go through the process. You must have a good support system. A friend to help along the way, and one that won't give into your "victim stuff", your "why me" bull, somebody that will kick your butt when you need it, Another part of your support system will be anything I've written on Natural Healing. Read and re-read. You have to EAT, DRINK, SLEEP and BREATH Natural Healing. Embrace yourself. Surround yourself with Natural Healing. A major function of the body is to repair and heal itself. Stop doing the things that hurt you and start doing the things that will Heal you. THERE ARE NO INCURABLE DISEASES. Get positive, Get right, RIGHT NOW, BELIEVE, START NOW. Remember, you create your own tomorrow. THE FOOD PROGRAM If you are very seriously ill, I highly suggest that you do a fresh organic juice fast for the entire 30 days. Drink at least one gallon of liquid a day. That's eight 16 ounce servings. Liquids should only be distilled or purified water, good high quality Herbal Teas (non-caffeine) and organic fruit and organic vegetable juices. You can dilute your juice with 50%, distilled water. If you don't have a juicer, buy one NOW. Your second option if your not quite that ill is, you may consume only 100% organic (Vegan) Vegetarian raw food and organic fruit and vegetable juice. Raw means no cooked food. This includes all vegetables, fruits, raw nuts and seeds, and soaked and sprouted beans and grains. Try to eat fresh organic produce that is grown locally and in season. If you choose to eat raw food you must take at least one day a week and juice fast that day. You must consume a combination of at least 8 to 16 ounces of fresh organic carrot, beet, apple and parsley juice daily. Absolutely NO animal flesh, eggs, milk or milk products (cheese, yogurt, butter). No cooked foods (bread, pasta, baked potatoes, tofu, etc.) NO alcohol, coffee, black tea or sugar on the incurables program. Although organic is the best way to go, if you can't get organic don't let that stop you. Do the best you can. Notes on Getting Started on the Incurables Program Use "Distilled" or "High grade reverse osmosis" water only, for all teas, enemas, colonics, etc. Begin a juice fast immediately, using 8-10 ounces of fresh juice an hour (that is one gallon a day) for at least 14 days minimum, and 30 days, if you are willing. (That is one gallon, 5000 calories, of pure, raw, liquid food and nutrition daily!) After the fast, then going to raw fruits and vegetables, with little being cooked or steamed, while continuing to juice, along with plenty of "Super food" and green drink daily, always doing your drinks between meals only! Castor oil packs and poultices on and around the afflicted areas, every night or morning. Purchase a "shower wand" and do a minimum of two (three would be better), hot and cold showers a day, also concentrating over the afflicted area for a total of sixty days, then going to a minimum of one a day. If the person is too weak to stand, simply give the treatment with them lying in the tub. Take one very hot bath for at least « an hour every day in the evening. Drink 6 cups of fresh organic Ginger Tea while in the tub. Blood Detox Tea - 6 cups a day if you have a normal body size. This tea tastes OK to me and many others, but tastes absolutely awful to cancer patients. Just grin and bear it, and get it down with no whining or sniveling. This is the formula that kills tumors, so no back off. Blood Detox Formula - 2 dropperfuls, 3 times a day. As with the tea, no skimping here. Gotta be done. All "water" consumed is to be in tea form, and anytime you just want to sip on a simple cup of tea, use "red clover" with a very small amount of raw honey, if desired. Be sure to get some exercise. With a walker, or otherwise, move around as much as you can! For fresh oxygen, be sure to sleep with your bedroom window either wide open during the summer, or cracked during the winter, sleeping and living only in clothing and bedding that breath (100% cotton, wool, linen, silk, or a combination of one of these four only!) The above is work, but is also very simple and will get you started. All you have to do is just begin, so just do it! Follow this program, and happy trails! For as you do it, you will be absolutely amazed! Yours in health and love, Dr. Ian Shillington 505-772-5889 Dr. Schulze: Female Problems/ Menopause/PMS THE DECLINE OF WOMANHOOD. HOW TO STAY FEMALE, HEALTHY AND YOUNG. (Excerpted from a newsletter article by Sam Biser interviewing Dr. Richard Schulze, HERBAL THERAPY for Serious Illness) 1997 was the Doomsday year for women in America. That was when the Menopause time bomb has exploded. It all started with the post war baby boom, which made 1948 the biggest birth year of the century. The average a woman goes into menopause is 49. Therefore, 1948 plus 49 years equals 1997. The year of menopause is here. Forget what men think, or what doctors think, most women don't think menopause is a serious issue either and then the whole world blows up in their face. According to medical herbalist Dr. Richard Schulze, "What I saw in my clinic was 50 year old women going bald, having a dry, cracked, bleeding, inflamed and even infected vaginas, skin wrinkling like an alligator, hip fractures and osteoporosis, women limping after hip operations like the character Chester from Gunsmoke, debilitating depression and hysterical anxiety that wrecked marriages and caused divorce, ruined careers, destroyed families and alienated the children." "That's the best case scenario. Many other women got eaten alive from cancer due to drugs their doctors gave them to stop the hell." In this newsletter, Dr. Schulze is going to show you how to make the change of life the best time of your life. You will learn how to avoid the soaking hot flashes, pain, disease, suffering and emotional devastation, and have a gentle, smooth transition into the second half of your life without losing what makes you feel like a woman. BISER: I knew, the baby boomers were turning 50, but I didn't realize this menopause event was happening right now, and was so gigantic. SCHULZE: More women are stopping their periods RIGHT NOW, TODAY, than ever before in the history of the world. BISER: But I thought medicine had this under control? SCHULZE: If you call drinking horse urine, that gives you cancer under control, then I guess it's under control. BISER: Horse urine? Are you kidding? SCHULZE: Unfortunately not. A lot of women don't know it, but estrogen is medicine's ONLY solution to combat menopause. Estrogen is made from horse piss. It was made from plant sources, but manufacturers always look for the most abundant AND CHEAPEST source. It is business, lower cost equals higher profits. Horses are imprisoned in stalls all over Canada and the United States and artificially impregnated. They hardly let them move, just like a veal calf, and they are catheterizing them and draining the urine out of all the pregnant mares. When the horse has a baby, as soon as possible the horse is impregnated again. If the baby is female, it is locked in a stall next to the mom and impregnated as soon as possible, catheterized and the urine is drained from the baby. BISER: But some people don't care if horses are treated cruelly and tortured, and others don't mind drinking horse pee as long as it works, and they don 't suffer. SCHULZE: I can understand that. When the suffering is bad enough, who knows what any of us would do to stop it? So many women are desperate and don't care, or don't know what else to do. But then the problem gets worse, the medical approach kills the women. "Estrogen DEFINITELY CAUSES CANCER. Any medical doctor who underplays this risk, or says it doesn't, is a LIAR". BISER: You mean cancer right? SCHULZE: Taking horse urine/estrogen, is medically proven to be extremely dangerous, to DEFINITELY CAUSE CANCER and other debilitating, deadly diseases. It may eliminate some symptoms of menopause. Then when you die from the cancer eating you alive, you'll have nice smooth skin. You'll have a good complexion in the casket at your funeral. You can pick yourself up a copy of the Physicians' Desk Reference, at Crown Books, or at most other book stores. This book has disclosures from drug companies on every drug in production. It contains thousands of pages of all the side effects and killer diseases caused by taking pharmaceutical drugs. I always had a copy of this in my clinic and showed every patient the real TRUTH about the so called mild or harmless drugs the doctor had put them on. When my patients saw the endless diseases and death caused by the drugs they were on, well, I never had to convince any of them to stop, this book did the job for me. In the copy I have here, the 1995 edition, the manufacturer of Premarin, the number one prescribed estrogen drug, covers the hundreds of problems on pages 2588 through 2601. In these pages the manufacturer warns in bold letters that numerous independent studies concluded that there is "an increased risk of uterine cancer in menopausal women who take estrogen for over 1 year... Estrogens can cause other cancer tumors of the breast, cervix, vagina and liver... Estrogens should only be used when clearly needed." They increase the risk of cancer up to 13.9 times. "All medical hormone therapy kills the organs it is trying to help. Giving women estrogen kills their ovaries, and is equal to chemical sterilization." BISER: 13.9 times HIGHER RISK OF GETTING CANCER, who would take or do anything that would increase their risk of cancer 14 times? SCHULZE: I know, it's insane. But it gets worse. When women get cancer from the estrogen, and she probably will, then the doctor immediately takes them off the estrogen, no wean off, no 30 day reduction of the drug, but a cold pronouncement: "You can't use it any more." BISER: What happens then? SCHULZE: These women crash and burn. It is like the rug was pulled out from under them. They have been ripped off this drug that their bodies have become dependent on. When you take a powerful drug like that, it tells your ovaries to go to sleep. When you start using any drug, especially one that your endocrine system is supposed to manufacture like insulin, thyroxin, estrogen, whatever, these endocrine organs fall asleep. When you start using estrogen, your ovaries detect it. So why would they ever want to produce any estrogen? This becomes a crutch and your ovaries produce less and less estrogen. The more you take of it, your body gets worse; it is like chemical sterilization. What little estrogen the ovaries were producing, well, there is no need for them to produce it anymore. They detect large levels of it in your blood, because of the doctors pills, and so they atrophy, shrivel up and die. Then, when cancer begins, the doctor takes the woman off estrogen, because any medical doctor immediately takes a woman off of estrogen, or any hormones when they have cancer. They know estrogen itself is carcinogenic. These women are just shoveled off into the gutter. They are swept under the carpet of medicine and they crawled on their hands and knees into my office crying and begging. Dr. Richard Schulze The Female Formula Quote from Dr. Schulze during an interview with Sam Biser. "Schulze: Also, you need to balance the female hormones. There are three herbs I think are the greatest and there's a formula that I make which is clinically proven to be a woman's savior. It contains equal parts of each herb. The first herb is called wild yam. Wild yam is what the pharmaceutical industry used to make progesterone from. But it got too expensive, so they make it from horse urine. Biser: Is wild yam grown in the U.S.? Schulze: Yes, in the U.S. it grows, and also in South and Central America and in Mexico. The second herb is chaste tree, which is the herb of Europe. Its used for women's problems from PMS to menopause all over Europe. It's the berry of a tree. The third herb is Angelica. In China, they call it Don Quai. It's also pronounced Tang Kwai. This is the number one sold herb in the world. The Latin name is Angelica Sinensis. We have species of Angelica that are very similar that grow in the United States. So I use these three herbs in equal proportions, either as a tea, or as a tincture. This is an endocrine balancer." End of quote Dr. Schulze goes onto explain how to wean a woman off of Premarin/Estrogen. If you are interested in this information, ask us for this data. Organic Wild Yam, Chaste Tree Berries and Dong Quai make up 75% of the Organic Solutions Female Formula. Therapeutic Action ú Regulation and balancing of the female hormones. ú Relief from the symptoms of menopause, and PMS. such as anxiety, depression, anger, nervousness, osteoporosis, water retention/bloating, hot flashes, hair loss and dry vaginal tissue. ú Regulation and normalization of the menstrual cycle and relief of menstrual problems. ú Increased fertility. ú An effective overall female tonic. It provides women with herbal phytochemicals that are needed to create hormones, helps to balance the hormones and calms the nerves. Dr. Schulze goes on to say "While running my clinic I have seen many women who became incapable of normal functioning, both physically and emotionally, because of menopause, PMS. and hormonal imbalance. This tonic has been a lifesaver for them. Besides the obvious health benefits, many saved their marriages, their families, their careers and their sanity by using these formulae. Over 1 billion women use one or more of the herbs in these formulae. It gives women that sense of well being and control. It does so by increasing the communication between the endocrine organs in the brain and the ovaries. It allows a woman the ability to age slowly and naturally and make comfortable transitions from puberty through menopause and beyond. Today most estrogen is derived from torturing pregnant horses. Their urine is drained from their bladder via a catheter 24 hours a day. Even the manufacturers of estrogen report in medical journals that post menopausal women who use estrogen run a 4 to 14 times greater risk of developing uterine and breast cancers, not to mention liver disease and numerous other illnesses. I have worked with hundreds of women in my clinic over the years to get them off of hormones. They were able to make this transition. This weaning off is best done gradually over a period of 30 to 60 days. Dosage for Menopause Start with 1 dropperful (35 drops) 3 times daily for at least one week. If this is not enough and symptoms still persist, increase to 1 dropperful 4 times daily. If needed you can increase to 6 dropperfuls daily, but spread them out. If your symptoms intensify during a particular time of the day or evening, use more of the tonic during that time. For example, for nighttime sweats, take 2 to 3 dropperfuls before bedtime to offset this situation. Dosage for P.M.S. For a regular 28 day cycle on the 18th day after the start of your last period, take 1 dropperful (35 drops). On the 19th day take 1 dropperful in the morning and 1 in the evening. On the 20th day through the start of your next period take 1 dropperful 3 times daily. This dosage can be increased to 2 dropperfuls 3 times daily with an occasional dosage of up to 4 dropperfuls during extreme symptoms. Discontinue the formula once your period begins unless you have extreme menstrual problems. Dosage for Menstrual Irregularity If you have had long term menstrual irregularity, start by taking 1 dropperful 3 times daily for 1 to 2 months. This should balance your hormones and regulate your periods. If it is for menstrual problems during your period, take 1 to 3 dropperfuls, 3 times daily as needed. Dosage for Infertility Start with 1 dropperful 3 times daily for a month. The next month you can increase to 2 dropperfuls 3 times daily. Continue with the formula. STOP IF YOU BECOME PREGNANT. As with most situations, but especially with infertility, you must do ALL of The Foundational Programs to get the best results. * When you put the dropper in the bottle and squeeze the black rubber top firmly, you will see that the dropper fills about « full. This is a dropperful or approximately 35 drops. ************************************************************ Menopause/Estrogen Estrogen is the most dangerous hormone for a woman to take in excess. THERE IS EVIDENCE THAT ESTROGEN GIVEN TO A MENOPAUSAL WOMAN INCREASES HER CHANCE OF GETTING CANCER AND GIVES HORRIFIC SIDE EFFECTS. The estrogen myth is an estrogen myth. Premarin, made from the urine of tortured mares is a DANCEROUS SUBSTANCE. Books: Title unknown by Dr. Lee Menopausal Years - The Wise Woman Way by Susan S. Weed The best way to handle hormonal imbalance in a woman is to look at the symptoms and read a good book on the subject then EXERCISE, take the foods that supply the hormones you need and supplement with herb. Another suggestion is Dr. Lee's Progesterone Cream (though this does not work for all) Every woman is different. Different women loose different hormones at different ages. By learning what hormones do and what you need to balance them, you will do far more good for your body. Dr. Schultz's Female Formula actually BALANCES the hormones in the body and causes the body to produce the hormones it needs. Intestinal Cleanse #1 & #2 IMPORTANT NOTE: Intestinal Cleanse #1 stimulates peristalsis or the muscular movement of the colon. If a person has Colitis, an ulcerated colon, Crohn's Disease, an irritated, aggravated, or inflamed bowel or 3 or 4 bowel movements a day with some diarrhea, they do not need to stimulate peristalsis so they do not need to use Intestinal Cleanse #1. They want to soothe and clean so they do Intestinal Cleanse #2 ONLY. This formula will firm up the feces and give great relief to the bowel. Possibly at some future date, Intestinal Cleanse #1 may be needed by the above people. Intestinal Cleanse #1 Therapeutic action: This stimulating tonic is both cleansing, healing and strengthening to the entire gastro-intestinal system. It stimulates your peristaltic action (the muscular movement of the colon) and over time strengthens the muscles of the large intestine, halts putrefaction and disinfects, soothes and heals the mucous membrane lining of your entire digestive tract. This herbal tonic also improves digestion, relieves gas and cramps, increases the flow of bile which, in turn, cleans the gallbladder, bile ducts and liver, destroys Candida albicans overgrowth and promotes a healthy intestinal flora, destroys and expels intestinal parasites, increases gastrointestinal circulation and is anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal. Ingredients: Curacao and Cape Aloe leaf (Aloe spicatal and ferox), Senna leaves and pods (Cassia officinalis), Cascara Sagrada aged bark (Rhanmus purshiana), Barberry rootbark (Berberis vulgaris), Ginger rhizome (Zingiber officinalis), Garlic bulb (Allium sativum ) and African Bird Pepper (Capsicum africana). Intestinal Cleanse #1 Plus also contains Wormwood, and Black Walnut hulls. Contra-indications: Do not use during pregnancy without the guidance of a health care professional. Dosage: Start with only one capsule of this formula during or just after dinner. This Formula works best when taken with food, The next morning you should notice an increase in your bowel action and in the amount of fecal matter that you eliminate. The consistency should also be softer. If you do not notice any difference in your bowel behavior today or the difference wasn't dramatic, then tonight increase your dosage to two capsules. You can continue to increase your dosage every evening by one capsule until you notice a dramatic difference in the way your bowel works. There is no limit. Most people need only 2-3 capsules but a few have needed over 30 capsules. It has taken most of us years to create a sluggish bowel, so let us be patient for a few days and increase by one capsule each day only. This formula can be taken for a week, a month or the rest of your life. Continue to use this formula until you are having one bowel movement each day for every meal you eat, between 2 and 4 bowel movements a day are normal. Considering all the disease and death we have because of retained fecal matter, I wouldn't worry about taking too much of this formula. Take this formula for one week before you start Intestinal Cleanse #2. (See important note above for exceptions.) Most people will get the desired result on 1-5 capsules, however, there are cases where it took over 30 capsules to achieve a bowel movement for every meal. For those people who need over 5 capsules, continue to add 1 capsule each day and when you find your dosage, continue that number for 2-3 days before starting Intestinal Cleanse #2. This way you will be certain that your #1 dosage is correct. Note: You continue on your Intestinal Cleanse #1 when you start Intestinal Cleanse #2. Intestinal Cleanse #2 Therapeutic Action: This cleansing and soothing formula is to be used in conjunction with Intestinal Cleanse #1. This formula is a strong purifier and intestinal vacuum that will draw old fecal matter off the walls of your colon and out of any bowel pockets. It will also draw out poisons, toxins, heavy metals such as mercury and lead, and even remove 3,000 known drug residues and radioactive material such as strontium 90. Its natural mucilaginous properties will soften old hardened fecal matter for easy removal and also make it an excellent remedy for any inflammation in the stomach and intestines. Ingredients: Organic Flax seed (Linum usitatissimum), Apple Fruit Pectin, Pharmaceutical Grade Bentonite Clay, Psyllium seed and husk (Plantago Species), Wildcrafted Slippery Elm inner bark (Ulmus flilva), Organic Marshmallow root (Althea officinalis), Organic Fennel seed (Foeniculum vulgare ) and Activated Willow charcoal (Salix alba). Dosage: Take this formula 5 to 6 times each day (every 3 hours on the average) for 5 to 6 days (finish the jar of powder and/or bag of capsules within the week). One hour after your morning nutritional drink (SuperFood), mix 1 heaping teaspoon (= 8 capsules) of Intestinal Cleanse #2 powder with 8 ounces of diluted juice or take 8 capsules with your 8 oz. of juice. The powder mixes best if you shake it in a small jar. Do the same « hour before lunch, between lunch and dinner, « hour before dinner and 1 hour before bed, so that you are consuming a minimum total of 5 heaping teaspoons (40 capsules) each day. DURING OR AFTER DINNER, TAKE YOUR INTESTINAL CLEANSE #1 CAPSULES AS USUAL. WHEN YOU START INTESTINAL CLEANSE #2 INCREASE YOUR REGULAR DOSAGE OF INTESTINAL CLEANSE #1 BY 1 ADDITIONAL CAP, OR MORE IF NECESSARY TO HAVE SUFFICIENT BOWEL MOVEMENTS. It is helpful to drink additional liquid after each dose of Intestinal Cleanse #2, at least 8 ounces. You will notice parasites being removed, casing of old fecal matter coming out, and mucus. If you take the number two formula erratically or once or twice a day, this will not happen. Do it exactly as above. Basic Cleansing and Detoxification Program by Dr. Richard Schulze. Digestive system and colon health have reached an-all-time low in the United States and Canada. Diseases of the digestive tract are on the rise. In 1994 the #1 Cancer among men and women was Colon Rectal. Modern lifestyle has taken its toll on our digestive/elimination organs. Refined, processed, low fiber foods, animal fats, a lack of exercise and an ever-increasing level of stress all contribute to our current gastrointestinal health crisis. The frequency at which a normal, healthy person should move their bowels has been a great misconception among the public and most medical professionals. For years, doctors have thought that anywhere between 1 bowel movement a day and 1 a week was normal. In the examination of more primitive peoples, we find that their bowels move much more frequently, 2 to 3 times daily on the average. This is due to the fact that these people eat better, get more exercise and have much less stress. What we have learned is that it is normal to have 1 bowel movement a day for each meal you eat, (if you eat 3 meals you should have 3 bowel movements). The Merck Manual, the medical industry's standard text for the diagnosis and treatment of disease, tells us that colon degeneration is on the rise. The incidence of diverticulosis has increased dramatically over the last 40 years. It states, that in 1950, only 10% of adults over the age of 45 had this disease, in 1955 15%, in 1972 30% and in 1987 almost 50%. The latest edition states that the incidence "increases rapidly" over age 40 and that "every person will have many" if they live long enough. Every American adult will have herniation of the large intestine. Diverticula are saccular herniations that protrude through the wall of the colon. These "bowel pockets" are almost always asymptomatic, (you can't feel them). They are caused by a sluggish constipated bowel. These pockets fill with old fecal material which can be reabsorbed back into the bloodstream. This can infect the entire body causing all types of toxic reactions. A sluggish bowel can retain pounds of old, toxic and poisonous fecal matter. Many times the real cause behind sickness and disease is this retention and reabsorption of this toxic waste. The first step in everyone's health program should be stimulating, cleaning and toning all the elimination organs, and the bowel is the best place to begin. Day #1: Start with only one capsule of Intestinal Cleanse #1 during or just after dinner. This formula works best when mixed with food. Day #2: This morning you should notice an increase in your bowel action and in the amount of fecal matter that you eliminate. The consistency should also be softer. If you do not notice any difference in your bowel behavior today or the difference wasn't dramatic, then tonight increase your dosage to two capsules. You can continue to increase your dosage every evening by one capsule until you notice a dramatic difference in the way your bowel works. It has taken most of us years to create a sluggish bowel so let's be patient for a few days and increase by one capsule each day only. By the end of the first week you, should know what your dosage is. If not, then remain on this formula alone for an additional week to get regulated before you go on to the next step. Week #2: At the beginning of week two is when we begin to start the Intestinal Cleanse #2. We will take this formula 5 times each day beginning in the morning. One hour after your morning nutritional drink, mix 1 heaping teaspoon (=eight capsules) of Intestinal Cleanse #2 powder with 8 ounces of diluted juice (mix the powder with the juice or just take the capsules with the juice). The powder mixes best if you shake it in a small jar. Do the same « hour before lunch, between lunch and dinner, « hour before dinner and 1 hour before bed, so that you are consuming a total of 5 heaping teaspoons or 40 capsules each day. During or after dinner, take your Intestinal Cleanse #1 as usual but increase the dosage you discovered the first week by 1 additional capsule. If you feel a bit bound by the #2 formula, you can increase your dosage of the #1 formula even more. Helpful Hints: It is helpful to drink additional liquid after each dose of Intestinal Cleanse #2, at least 8 more ounces. Drink plenty of pure water, herb teas and diluted fruit and vegetable juices during this two-week colon cleanse. A good amount is between 64 and 128 ounces of liquid each day. This makes the program more effective. Ingredients: Intestinal Cleanse #1 Curacao and Cape Aloe leaf (Aloe spicatal and ferox), Senna leaves and pods (Cassia officinalis), Cascara Sagrada aged bark (Rhanmus purshiana), Barberry rootbark (Berberis vulgaris), Ginger rhizome (Zingiber officinalis), Garlic bulb (Allium sativum ) and African Bird Pepper (Capsicum africana). Intestinal Cleanse #1 Plus also contains Wormwood, and Black Walnut hulls. Contra-indications: Do not use during pregnancy without the guidance of a health care professional. Ingredients: Intestinal Cleanse #2 Organic Flax seed (Linum usitatissimum), Apple Fruit Pectin, Pharmaceutical Grade Bentonite Clay, Psyllium seed and husk (Plantago Species), Wildcrafted Slippery Elm inner bark (Ulmus flilva), Organic Marshmallow root (Althea officinalis), Organic Fennel seed (Foeniculum vulgare ) and Activated Willow charcoal (Salix alba). Best regards, Ian Intestinal Cleanse #1 Formula One part by volume of each of the following: Curacao Aloe Leaf (Aloe Spicata) Cape Alow Leaf (Aloe Ferox) Senna Leaf and Pod Cascara Sagrada Aged Bark Barberry Root Bark Ginger Root Garlic Bulb Habanero Pepper Wormwood Black Walnut Hulls All of the above should be finely powdered, thoroughly mixed and encapsulated. (Sometimes the Aloe Spicata or Ferox are hard to come by and each of these can be substituted with 1 part Buckthorn Bark or 2 parts Turkey Rhubarb) Intestinal Cleanse #2 Formula (each part by volume) 2 parts Flax Seed (course ground) 2 parts Apple Fruit Pectin 2 parts Bentonite Clay (Aztec) 3.5 parts Psyllium Seeds 3.5 parts Psyllium Husks 1 part Fennel Seed 1 part Activated Willow Charcoal 1 part Marshmallow Root 1 part Slippery Elm Inner Bark All the above are finely powdered with the exception of the Flax seeds, then well mixted and put in a jar. Love, Doc Intestinal Cleanse # 3 Equal parts by volume of the following all organic ingredients: 1. Fig Syrup 2. Prune Syrup 3. Senna Leaf (powdered) 4. Ginger Root (powdered) 5. Fennel Seed (powdered) 6. Cherry Bark (powdered) 7. Turkey Rhubarb Root (powdered) 8. Cascara Sagrada Bark (powdered) 9. Whatever volume you arrive at with the above mixture, use again as much of 50% Organic Maple Syrup and 50% Pure Vegetable Glycerin by volume. Let sit for two weeks and then strain (press). Best is to make on the New Moon then strain and press on the Full. Dosage for a small new born baby would be to start off with 5 drops with his evening meal and then increase by 5 drops on a daily basis until you get the desired effect of 3 to 4 easy bowel movements a day. On an older child, start with 1 dropperful (goes half way up the tube) and increase daily until individual dosage is reached. You don't even have to have a nerve supply to your bowel and this formula will make you poop! Much love, Doc Copyright (c) 1999 by Ian "Doc" Shillington N.D. All rights reserved. Jojoba 9% Tea Tree Oil Formula This is an old Doc Christopher Formulation. By volume, mix 10 parts Organic Jojoba Oil with 1 part Organic Tea Tree Oil. Shake up and then bottle. The Five-Day Kidney & Bladder Cleanse IMPORTANT NOTICE: Ideally, you should be using Total Nutrition, Echinacea, Total Tonic, and Cayenne on a daily basis and complete the 2-week bowel detoxification and rebuilding program using Intestinal Cleanse #1 and #2 before starting on this program. CONTINUE taking Intestinal Cleanse #1 & #2, Total Nutrition, Echinacea, Total Tonic, and Cayenne when you begin this program unless you do this program immediately after the 5 Day Liver Cleansing and Detoxification Program in which case you should stop the Intestinal Cleanse #1 & #2, and the Echinacea. You should definitely continue with the Total Nutrition, Total Tonic, and Cayenne when this cleanse is done after the Liver/Gallbladder cleanse. The night before you begin, make the Kidney/Bladder Tea per the instructions on the package. Day #1 Start: Upon arising drink 8 ounces of distilled water. This is a great way to start your day. The water rinses and flushes your digestive tract of any leftover food and digestive juices. Make your tea per instructions on the package. Within 1 hour prepare the following Morning Drink: Kidney & Bladder Flush Morning Drink ú Juice of one Lemon and one Lime ú 16 to 32 ounces of Distilled Water ú A pinch of Cayenne Pepper or 1 to 10 drops of Cayenne Tincture. ú Optional - Maple Syrup (a little) to Taste 15 minutes after this drink, consume 2 cups of Kidney/Bladder Herb Tea and 2 dropperfuls of Kidney/Bladder Formula. The Kidney/Bladder Formula can be taken straight or in a few ounces of water. Repeat the Kidney/Bladder Tea and the Kidney/Bladder Formula 2 more times during the day. Day #1 Breakfast: Live, FRESH fruit or vegetable juice is the best way to get your Vitamins, Minerals and other Essential Nutrients. They are also very important for cleansing and detoxification. If you are hungry before lunch time you may have fruit, diluted fruit juices, and fruit smoothies. Stop all fruit or fruit juices at least 1 hour before lunch. It is best while on this program not to mix fruit and vegetables together. Day #1 Lunch: For lunch you can have diluted fresh raw vegetable juices, raw vegetables alone or in salads, sprouts, potassium broth, and herb teas. You may make dressings for the salad if you like using Olive oil, Avocado, Raw Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemon Juice, Garlic, Onions and any Herbs and Spices. Afternoon Snacks: Raw vegetables, raw vegetable salads, diluted vegetable juices, sprouts, potassium broth and herb teas. All vegetable food must be stopped by 6 p.m. Day #1 Dinner: Diluted fruit juices, fruits, fruit smoothies, fruit salads and herb teas. Day #2, #3 and #4: If you have done the Liver/Gallbladder Cleanse, day #2, #3, & #4 are the same as Day #1 without doing the fast. If doing the Kidney Cleanse first, then begin a 3 day juice fast. Start with your water, morning flush drink and herbal tea. Diluted fruit juices and herb tea until noon, diluted vegetable juices, Potassium Broth and herb tea mid-day and afternoon and diluted fruit juices and herb tea again in the evening. Consume at least 1 gallon (128 ounces) of liquid. That is 8 ounces every hour! If you get hungry, DRINK MORE!!! Potassium Broth This is a great-tasting addition to your cleansing program. It will flush your system of toxins, poisons and unwanted salts and acids while giving you a concentrated amount of vitamins and minerals. Recipe: See Data Sheet entitled "EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR Liver/Gallbladder & Kidney Flush Drink, Kidney & Liver Tea, Potassium Broth and The Bomb" All Ingredients Are Organic. This sheet will give you complete instructions and supplies needed to make your nutritious Potassium Broth. Day #5: Today is the day to break your fast if doing this cleanse before the Liver/Gallbladder Cleanse. Make this day the same as day #1. After your morning drink, you can have some fresh fruit. Chew it very slowly and mix each mouthful with plenty of saliva. Remember, breaking your fast is a very important part of this program. Chew your food well and eat until satisfied, not full. You can always eat more later if you are still hungry. After 1:00 PM you should have a small vegetable salad, and fruit again in the evening, chewing everything to a liquid pulp. Remember, this program restricts the types of food you will be eating, not the amount. If you are hungry at any point during this detoxification program, drink and/or eat more. The more you eat and drink, the more you will flush the toxins out of your body. Also remember to have a fun time. Your positive, healing attitude is most important to achieve maximum benefits out of this program; be loving to yourself. Take it easy when returning to a new healthy food program. Choose lighter foods for a few days and be careful not to overeat. Chew your food well. Eating smaller meals more often is better than one or two large meals. Enjoy your new set of values on food choices and amounts. For the best health, eat lots of raw, organic foods that are grown locally and in season. Repeat this program until you are well but do it at least twice more after you have recovered. Love, Doc Copyright (C) 2002 by Ian "Doc" Shillington. All rights reserved. Dr. Ian Shillington 505-772-5889 Kidney Bladder Formula All parts are by volume Kidney Bladder Formula 2 Parts Juniper Berry (Mono Sperma is best) -------- 1 Part of each of the following - Corn Silk - Uva Ursi Leaf - Horsetail Herb - Pipsissewa Leaf - Burdock Herb - Goldenrod Flowers - Gravel Root - Hydrangea Root Love, Doc Ian "Doc" Shillington N.D. 505-772-5889STONE DISSOLVE FORMULA (Use the same formula for the tea and tincture) 1 CUP HYDRANGEA ROOT (CUT) - HYDRANGEA ARBORESCENS 1 CUP GRAVEL ROOT (CUT) - EUPATORIUM PURPUREUM 1/2 CUP MARSHMALLOW ROOT (CUT) - ALTHAEA OFFICINALIS Use standard base = alcohol/distilled water options. Mix herbs together in a bowl and put them in a large jar. Add base solution to cover (an inch or so above the roots), put the lid on the jar and soak for 24 to 48 hours before blending in a blender of Vita Mix. This will soften the roots so they are easier on the blades and motor. This formula is a good one to have on hand incase of emergency. On rare occasions a large stone with sharp edges will try to pass and this is painful. Then this formula (if on hand) can be taken along with the Stone Dissolve Tea and dissolve the stone. Much love, Doc Dr. Ian Shillington 727-738-0554 Copyright (c) 2004 by Ian Shillington N.D. All rights reserved.Formula for making the Kidney Tea. All parts are by volume. The Kidney Tea 2 - Parts Juniper Berries (Mono Sperma is best) - - - - - 1 Part of each of the following: - Uva Ursi Leaf - Dandelion Leaf - Corn Silk - Parsley Leaf - Horsetail Herb - Goldenrod Flowers - Orange Peel (or Lemon Peel) - Peppermint Leaf - Hydrangea Root - Gravel Root Much love, Doc Ian "Doc" Shillington 505-772-5889I have been studying and practicing Natural Healing for many years now, and one of my favorite pastimes is to collect all the natural recipes and remedies I can find. Recently, I came upon a real gem and thought you'd like to know about it. About Cal-Mag For decades, the need for Calcium and Magnesium in the growing and maintaining of a healthy body has been well established, but a major problem has been how to absorb these nutrients, especially from inorganic sources. The wrong kind of Calcium and/or poor assimilation can actually cause arthritis and many other degenerative diseases. There is only one inorganic Cal-Mag formula to date that I know of that works. All the rest are junk and actually injure and overtax the body. Those solid Calcium tablets are absolutely useless. Until recently, my wife Valorie and I had been content to get our Calcium and Magnesium from the organic foods we eat and then this little bonus dropped in my lap one afternoon while studying for my Naturopathic Doctor degree. Lemon Egg The Ultimate Organic Calcium Supplementation 1. Carefully place whole, clean, uncooked, uncracked, organic eggs in a clean wide-mouth jar. 2. Cover the eggs with freshly squeezed organic lemon juice (concentrated lemon juice is pasteurized and should never be used as a substitute). 3. Cover the jar loosely and place it in the refrigerator. A few times during the day, gently - very gently - agitate the liquid in the jar. As the Calcium from the shells is leached by the lemon juice, bubbles will appear around the eggs. Approximately 44 to 48 hours later, when the bubbling has stopped, carefully remove the eggs from the jar and be sure not to break the egg membranes. Replace the lid tightly on the jar containing the liquid and shake the mixture. You now have "Lemon Egg". I love to drink it straight or mix 2oz in my Total Nutrition shake. It is the best source of organic Calcium I know of. Love, Doc Copyright c 2000 by Ian Shillington N.D. All rights reserved.Almondaise Anti-Parasite, Anti-Fungal Formula Anti-Plague Formula B F & C Tincture Recipe Back in Action Blood Detox Formula Blood Detox Tea Brain Tonic Cal-Calm Tea Cold and Flu Cold Sheet Treatment Dandelion Wine Deep Tissue Repair Oil Recipe Dosages Dragon Snot Ear Drops Echinacea Echinacea Plus Formula Everything You Need For extenion files EyeBright Formula Female Formulas Garlic Paste Herbal First Aid Salve Herbal Snuff Honey Balls How to Make a Tincture How to make tea How to make vinegar Incurables Program Infertility Intestinal Cleanse #1 & #2 Intestinal Cleanse 1 & 2 Facts Intestinal Cleanse 1 & 2 Formulae Intestinal Cleanse 3 Jojoba 9% Tea Tree Oil formula Kidney & Bladder Cleanse Kidney Bladder Formula Kidney Stone Dissolve Formula Kidney Tea Lemon Egg list.txt Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse Liver Gallbladder Formula Liver Gallbladder Tea Lobelia Formula Male Energy Formula Natural Moth Repellant Nerve Regeneration Formula Nerve Sedative Formula Panther Piss Potassium Broth Prostate Formula Skin Cancer The 3 Day Juice Cleanse The Moon Thistles,all Tooth & Gum Formula Total Body Cleanse #2 Total Body Cleanse Program Total Body Cleanse Supplements Total Body Cleanse, #1 Total Body Cleanse, #2 Total Body Cleanse, #3 Total Body Cleanse, #4 Total Draw Poultice Powder Total Draw Poultice Powder (Cancer) Total Healing Poultice Powder Total Nutrition Total Nutrition Formula Total Tonic Formula Trauma Oil Wart & Skin Tag Removal Five-day Cleansing and Detoxification Program for the Liver & Gallbladder Two Days of a Purifying Raw-Food Program and a Three Day Juice Fast IMPORTANT NOTICE: You should be using Total Nutrition (Formula to be posted separately), Echinacea, Total Tonic (same as SuperTonic - Formula in Message Archives) and Cayenne on a daily basis and complete the 2-week bowel detoxification and rebuilding program using Intestinal Cleanse #1 and #2 (see message archives for formulae) before starting on this program. CONTINUE taking Intestinal Cleanse #1 & #2, Total Nutrition, Echinacea, TotalTonic, and Cayenne when you begin this program. Do this program before the 5 Day Detox Kidney Program unless there is a major problem with the Kidneys that needs addressing first. The evening before you start, make the Liver Detox tea per previous instructions. Day 1 Upon Arising: Drink 8 ounces of distilled water. This is a great way to start your day. The water rinses and flushes your digestive tract of any leftover food and digestive juices. Make your tea per the instructions on the package. Within 1 hour prepare for the following Morning Drink: Morning Drink (Liver & Gallbladder Flush) ú In Spring and Summer mix 8-ounces of fresh orange juice or a citrus juice combination (1 lemon or 1 lime and enough orange, grapefruit or tangerine to make 8 ounces). In Fall and Winter mix 8 ounces of fresh apple and/or grape juice. ú 8 ounces of Distilled Water ú 1-5 clove(s) of garlic (start with one and increase daily) ú 1-5 tablespoon(s) of organic virgin cold-pressed olive oil (start with one and increase daily) ú 1-5 small pieces of fresh Ginger root ( 1 inch long) (start with one and increase daily) NOTE: IF YOU FEEL NAUSEOUS AT ALL - ADD MORE GINGER: 15 minutes after this drink, consume 2 cups of the Liver detoxification tea & 2 dropperfuls of Liver/Gallbladder Anti-Parasite tincture. The tincture can be taken straight or in a few oz. of purified water or mixed in with the tea. Repeat the tea and tincture 2 more times during the day. Day #1 Breakfast: Live, FRESH fruit or vegetable juice is the best way to get your Vitamins, Minerals and other Essential Nutrients. They are also very important for cleansing and detoxification. If you are hungry before lunch time you may have fruit, diluted fruit juices, and fruit smoothies. Stop all fruit or fruit juices at least 1 hour before lunch. It is best while on this program not to mix fruit and vegetables together. Day #1 Lunch: For lunch you can have diluted fresh raw vegetable juices, raw vegetables alone or in salads, sprouts, potassium broth, and herb teas. You may make dressings for the salad if you like using Olive oil, Avocado, Raw Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemon Juice, Garlic, Onions and any Herbs and Spices. Afternoon Snacks: Raw vegetables, raw vegetable salads, diluted vegetable juices, sprouts, potassium broth, Total Nutrition and herb teas. All vegetable food must be stopped by 6 p.m. Day #1 Dinner: Diluted fruit juices, fruits, fruit smoothies, fruit salads and herb teas. Day #2. #3 and #4: Begin the 3 day juice fast. Start with your water, morning flush drink and herbal tea. Drink diluted fruit juices and herb tea until noon. Drink diluted vegetable juices, Potassium Broth, Total Nutrition and herb tea mid-day and afternoon. Take diluted fruit juices and herb tea again in the evening. Consume at least 1gallon of liquid (8 ounces every hour)! If you get hungry, DRINK MORE! The following is the formula I use when making my Liver / Gallbladder / Pancreas Formula Tincture. Use 100 proof Vodka or a 50% alcohol mixture for your extraction. As with all my formulae, a part is a part by volume and not by weight unless otherwise specified. Liver / Gallbladder / Pancreas Formula 3 - Parts Milk Thistle Seed 1 - Part Dandelion Root & Leaf 1 - Part Oregon Grape Root 1 - Part Gentian Root 1 - Part Wormwood Leaf and Flower 1 - Part Black Walnut Hulls 1 - Part Ginger Root 1 - Part Fresh Garlic 1 - Part Fennel Seed Love, Doc Ian "Doc" Shillington N.D. 505-772-5889 And here's my version of Doc Christopher's 17 herb detox tea for the Liver, Gallbladder and the Pancreas. I use only 15 of those herbs ;o) All parts are by volume and not weight. The Liver/Gallbladder/Pancreas Tea 2 parts Roasted Dandelion Root - 1 part of each of the following: - Cinnamon Bark - Cardamon Seed - Licorice Root - Juniper Berry (Mono Sperma is best) - Ginger Root - Clove Buds - Black Peppercorns - Uva Ursi Leaf - Burdock Root - Pau d' Arco - Fennel Seed - Horsetail Herb - Orange Peel - Parsley Root This tea tastes great. Love, Doc Ian "Doc" Shillington 505-772-5889Doc's Lobelia Formula Lobelia (lobelia inflata) Solution of 1/3rd Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar to 2/3rds 100 proof Vodka On the New Moon, fill blender half full with Lobelia. Add your ACV/VODKA solution until it settles 2 inches above the top of the herbs. Blend it up like crazy. Put in a glass jar and store in a dark place. Shake once a day for 2 weeks then press (on Full Moon).......Dr. Ian Shillington Dr. Schulze Male Energy Formula 2 Cups American White Ginseng 2 Cups Korean Ginseng 2 Cups Chinese Ginseng 3 Cups Yohimbe Bark 3 Cups Damiana Turneria Aphrodisiaca 3 Cups Siberian Ginseng 2 Cups Sarsaparilla Root 1 Cup Saw Palmetto Berry 1 Cup Oat Seed (Green Immature) 1 Cup Kola Nut 1 Cup Ginger Root Blend all together using your 50 - 50 Blend of Alcohol and distilled water. Natural Moth Repellent If you've packed your winter woolens away, you might want to add a dried herbal mixture to keep the moths away. Combine one part lavender flowers, one part dried rosemary leaves, and two parts dried wormwood leaves. Make sachets by filling cheesecloth squares with the crushed herbs, and tying or sewing the ends of the cheesecloth together. Keep a sachet in each drawer. Tie a ribbon around a sachet to hang on a wool suit or dress. Replenish these each season. - Victoria Snelling Nerve Regeneration Formula as formulated by Dr. Richard Schulze (For Tea and Tincture use same amount of each ingredient.) 4 parts Skullcap Herb 4 parts Oat Seed 2 parts St. John's Wort Flower 1 part Celery Seed 1 part Lavender 1 part Coffee Bean 1 part Kola Nut 1 part Ephedra (Optional) Solution = water/alcohol = 100 Proof Best regards, Ian "Doc" Shillington ModeratorNerve Sedative Formula 2 - parts Valerian Root 2 - parts Lobelia Seed Pods 2 - parts Passion Flower 1 - part Hops Flowers 1 - part Black Cohosh 1 - part Blue Cohosh 1 - part Skullcap 1 - part Wild Yam Remember a 'part' is a measurement by volume = handful, cup, tablespoon, etc. Love, Doc Ian 'Doc' Shillington N.D. 505-772-5889Panther Piss What a name! In some people, the name evokes humor, while in others it possibly insults. The reality is that this 40 year-old formula has helped many people to cure themselves of several serious body problems. To my knowledge, the original formula was developed by Dr. Bernard Jensen over 40 years ago, and when first tried by an early test case patient, that individual humorously labeled it Panther Piss because of its taste and looks, and the name has stuck ever since. Regardless of the name, this formula works wonders with several physical conditions including but not limited to Arthritis, Migraine, Allergies, Headache, Hyper-Acidity (throughout the body), Osteoporosis, and is even effective in helping to curtail a cold or flu when used with other herbs. This formula is awesome, and should be in everyone's medicine chest or refrigerator. It is very simple to make, and the ingredients can be picked up at any health food store. Panther Piss Formula 1 - Cup of Organic Blackstrap Molasses 1 - Cup of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar All you have to do is mix the two ingredients together and then stir. Store your mixture in a mason jar or some other glass container. Refrigeration is not necessary but can be done if you prefer it cold as some do. The suggested dosage is between two and three tablespoons a day. If suffering from Arthritis, Osteoporosis or Migraine, I'd recommend starting off with three, (one before each meal) and continue for a month. After the first month it would then be best to cut back to two tablespoons (one in the morning, and one at night) which is the maintenance dosage. This formula works and has saved many an expensive trip to the Medico. It is also advisable to take Vitamin E with this formula, to compensate for the effects of the organic Iron in the Molasses. Yours in health and love, Ian `Doc' Shillington Phone: 505-772-5889 Copyright c 2000 by Ian Shillington N.D. All rights reserved.POTASSIUM BROTH RECIPE This is a great-tasting addition to any Cleansing program. It will flush your system of toxins, poisons and unwanted salts and acids while giving you a concentrated amount of vitamins and minerals. Fill a large pot (minimum 5 Gallon) with 25% potato peelings (peels can be 3/8 inch thick), 25% carrot peelings (juice the rest of the carrot) and whole chopped beets, 25% chopped onions including 50 cloves of garlic (it is not necessary to peel garlic. Just separate cloves and crush with a knife or hammer), 25% celery and dark greens. Add hot peppers and Celtic Sea Salt to taste. Add enough distilled water to cover vegetables and simmer on very low temperature for 4-7 hours. Do NOT cover with a lid! Strain, or just dip your mug in, and drink only the broth. Put the vegetables in your compost. Make enough for the week, refrigerating the leftover broth. It is important to use ONLY Organic vegetables. We do not want to consume any toxic insecticides, pesticides or inorganic chemical fertilizers while cleansing and detoxifying. Copyright (c) 2000 by Ian Shillington. All rights reserved. Ian "Doc" Shillington N.D. 505-772-5889 The PROSTATE FORMULA This can be made into a tea or using the same mixture made into a tincture. Four parts Saw Palmetto Berry One part Cleaver's Herb One part Nettle Root (not the leaf) One part Thuja Leaf Mix all these herbs together as a tea. Soak them overnight and bring to the boil and simmer for 15 minutes (not more) Take six cups of tea per day. Add a couple of drops of the kidney/bladder Formula (see files) One could also make castor oil packs and place over the prostrate. And, of course, hot and cold showers to get circulation to the area. Exercise. Love, Doc Dr. Schultze has a Poultice for cancer Red Clover Blossoms made into a paste and applied externally and drunk internally are a specific for Melanoma. The Blossoms must be harvested when they are purpleish. This is very important. Here is the poultice: In a blender put: 1 healping handful of fresh, (dried if they really are Red Clover Blossoms) Red Clover Blossoms 1 entire bulb of peeled garlic cloves at least 12 large cloves 1/4 cup of fresh grated poke root or 1/3 cup of the dried powder 2 tablespoons of goldenseal root powder 2 tablespoons of activated charcoal 1 teaspoon of Tea Tree OIl 1 cup of Bentontite Clay 1 cup of Slippery Elm Bark (inner bark) Put this in a blender and add enough 50/50 solution of distilled water and raw apple cider vinegar to make a paste. Add at least 1 ounce of Blood Root tincture per 8 ounces of liquid. Blend well Apply to skin. This cleansing program purifies the body so it can heal more easily. If you are overweight, this program will take you down to your normal weight; if you are underweight, it will bring you up to normal. The entire purpose of the program is to eliminate mucus from the body, which will simplify healing. Dr. Christopher always said that there are no incurable diseases, but only people who think they are incurable. He offered this cleansing program as an essential part of healing virtually any infirmity. The cleansing program will: *Clean the mucus out of the body; mucus is the source of polyps, tumors, cysts, etc. and also the cause of allergies, disease, pain, and death. *Give you foods that are alive, nutritious and healthful, foods which can rebuild your body. *Provide you with herbal formulas and corrective aids to facilitate healing and regeneration of the body. *Release static electricity from the body to eliminate frustrations and confusions. The Three Day Juice Cleanse Detoxification: To begin, you will have three days detoxification (body purification) thereapy, and then proceed with the diet outlined hereafter. This three-day cleanse is taken in part from Dr. N. W. Walker's book, Raw Vegetable Juices, "To Detoxicate," Phoenix, AZ: Norwalk press, Publishers, P.O. Box 13206. Supreme cleanliness is the first step towards a healthy body. Any toxins within us will retard our progress towards recovery. The natural eliminative channels are the lungs, the pores of the skin, the kidneys, and the bowels. When we perspire, our sweat glands throuw off toxins which would be toxic to us if retained. The kidneys excrete the end products of food and body metabolism from the liver. The bowels eliminate not only the food waste but also matter known as body waste, in the form of used-up cells and tissues, the result of our physical and mental activities, which if retained can cause protein putrefaction, resulting in toxemia or acidosis. Retaining such body waste is much more damaging to our helath than is generally suspected, and when we begin to cleanse it, we experience perceptible progress. One efficient method to eliminate it quickly, particularly for adults, is the following procedure: First thing in the morning upon arising, drink 16 ounces or more of prune juice. The purpose of this is not primarily to empty the bowels, which it will do anyway, but rather to draw into the intestines from every part of the body such toxic matter as may be there, and eliminate it through the bowels. Take one or two tablespoons of olive oil three times a day, to aid in lubricating bile and liver ducts. To prevent dehydration, and to alkalinize the body as it cleanses, drink at least two quarts of fruit juices, preferably freshly made. You might choose apple, carrot, grape, citrus, tomato, etc. but for the one chosen, use it exclusively for the three days, and chew each mouthful thoroughly. CARROT JUICE Use this without diluting as directed below. CITRUS JUICE If you live where citrus is grown, make a combination. Use four to six grapefruit, two to three lemons, and enough oranges to make two quarts. Dilute with two quarts of water, making one gallon. Proceed as below. GRAPE JUICE Use unsweetened juice without additives or preservatives. Bottled juice is better than frozen, which often contains sugar and usually contains additives not listed on the label. The best juice would be homemade, unsweetened, but you can buy organic grape juice at the health food store which is excellent. People have had good results using grape juice from the grocery, such as Welch's, Church, Tea Garden, Queen Isabell--just check the label to be sure it has no additives. Dilute half and half with water. APPLE JUICE Use freshly pressed apple juice if available, from unsprayed, organic apples if possible. Making your own apple juice is ideal. You can also use bottled apple juice, if it contains no preservatives or chemicals of any kind. Do not use frozen juice, which can contain preservatives without being labelled. Drink one 8-ounce glassful, beginning half an hour after having taken the prune juice, being sure to swish or "chew" each mouthful thoroughly. This is very important, so that the juices can mix with the saliva for easy digestion. If you are hypoglycemic, "chewing" the juice will prevent an unpleasant sugar reaction. You can drink a glass of plain water, preferably distilled, a half hour after that. Follow this with a glass of juice every thirty minutes or so, alternating with water every half hour, throughout the day. You can follow this outline, but take more or less as your case requires; it is a rule of thumb and not a specific rule. However, many people have followed it this way, with excellent results. Do not eat anything all day, although if very hungry towards evening, take an apple if your are using apple juice, an orange with citrus, grapes with grape, carrot or celery with carrot juice, etc. Chew it thoroughly. As you detoxify, you may likely experience constipation. If you do, use more prune juice, or take some of our lower bowel formula, two or more capsules three times a day. Continue this program for three consecutive days. Approximately three gallons of toxic lymph will have been eliminated from the body and will have been replaced by three gallons of alkaline juices. As your system becomes more alkaline, you will experience healing of your particular complaints. On the fourth and subsequent days, begin taking vegetable juices and begetables and fruit, preferably all raw. For breakfast, for example, eat threee or four fruits in season, sliced, chopped or grated, with some honey for sweetening and one or two tablespoonfuls of finely grated unsalted almonds spinkled over them. Alkso drink one or two glasses of fresh fruit or begetable juices. For lunch, eat more fruit and one pint of fresh raw begetable juices, thirty minutes before or after eating the fruit. For dinner add any of the salads given hereafter, or as in The Mild Food Cookbook by Michael Tracy, Springville, UT: Christopher Publications. You will probably feel somewhat weak during or after this detoxication. Don't let this alarm you. Nature uses our energies for a housecleaning within us, and we soon regain greater energy and vitality as a result of a cleaner and healhier body. You can do the three-day cleanse monthly or several times a year. If there is the slightest tendency toward appendicitis, take high enemas, using catnip tea or a tea of three parts red raspberry leaf and one part lobelia. Do this two, three or more times a day as needed. Only use enemas in the case of possible appendicitis. If you are experiencing trouble with constipation, use more prune juice or the lower bowel tonic. Continued Fast: Once you have completed several three day juice cleanses, you can, if you want to try, and feel up to it, fast one to three more days using only distilled water, then a day of juice, before returning to salads and other regular foods. Do not eat any heavy foods immmediately after a cleansing period or a fast, but add these to your diet gradually. This is the best and smoothest way to get back onto solid foods. Such a continued fast will greatly accelerate the cleansing and healing process. Cleansing Symptoms: As your body begins to cleanse, you will probably experience periodic aches and pains in the areas where the cleaning action is most acute and the wastage is loading the elimination system; there are times when you will feel very, very rough! Do not panic on the days after cleansing or during your periods of healing. In fact, the cleaning action may produce all symptoms and effects of severe illness, but don't blame the temporary problem onto the cleansing. Be comforted that the healing process is well underway, and the sooner such discomforts come, the better, for this means that the toxins and poisons are being eliminated --and the faster the cleansing, the quicker the healing. But this cleansing will not be instantaneous; do not expect the toxic accumulations of a lifetime to be miraculously flushed out of the tissues and organs in some colonic fashion. This will all take time working with the bosy's normal cyclic functions. You will have high days and low days, usually in cycles. These "cleansing sicknesses" come in cycles of seven days, seven weeks, seven months, and seven years in most cases. As the toxic poisons break loose and are dumped into the bloodstream so they can be eliminated, you will feel pretty rough; and quite frequently druing a crisis, you may feel worse than you did before you ever started the program. But do not panic! The bad days will become fewer and fewer and the good days greater and greater, if you are faithful to the program. Professor Arnold Ehret's book, Mucusless Diet Healing System (which can be pruchased from any health food store) may help you to understand some of the reactions you might experience while ridding the body of toxins, waste and mucus.The phases of the moon are very important in making tinctures. Always make your tinctures on the NEW MOON, and press them on the FULL MOON. Every great herbalist I know of including Dr. Schulze, Dr. Christopher and Dr. Royal Lee made their tinctures this way. This principle is not new, and goes back to farmers of antiquity. It is a very valid and important part of Herbal technology. Except in the case of an emergency, every tincture should be allowed to brew for at least two weeks (prepare on the New Moon & press on the Full Moon). In an emergency, I've made a batch of Cayenne tincture and instantly given it to a person with heart problems to have those problems disappear immediately. Anything you make yourself is going to be a zillion times more potent than what you buy in the stores with the exception of purchasing direct from an herbalist who knows his or her stuff. If you have to whup up a batch of something in an emergency, it will still be more powerful than store bought remedies. The rule of thumb is: "The longer you let a tincture brew, the more potent it gets." IE. Last June 98, a day before the New Moon, my Wildcrafter picked a couple of dozen pounds of Echinacea Root starting at 5AM and bundled it up with an ice pack and shipped it to me UPS Overnight by 10AM the same morning. I received the bundle by 11AM the next day (the New Moon), and by 4 PM of that day had 10 gallons brewing in one gallon jars. Now, I make my tinctures the same way Doc Schulze does. 3/4 (three quarters) of that gallon jar is crammed packed with Echinacea plant matter and the first gallon wasn't opened and pressed until the Full Moon two weeks later. It was top notch. Since then, I've pressed it on the Full Moon as needed by my clients. I've got 3 gallons left and the last one I pressed was so potent that my mouth was numb for an half an hour after I took one dropperful. You are probably splitting hairs after a tincture has brewed for more than six months to a year, but you can leave it in as long as you want with it only getting better. Make several bottles so that you can use some within two weeks of brewing and then press the remainder as needed on subsequent Full Moons. Hope this helps. Ian "Doc" Shillington Research courtesy of Jamie **************************** Thistles Family: N.O. Compositae Thistle, Holy Thistle, Milk Thistle, Scotch Thistle, Dwarf Thistle, Creeping Plume Thistle, Welted Thistle, Woolly-Headed Thistle, Melancholy Thistle, Spear Thistle, Musk Thistle, Marsh Plume Thistle, Carline Thistle, Common Star Thistle, Yellow Star Thistle is the old English name - essentially the same in all kindred languages - for a large family of plants occurring chiefly in Europe and Asia, of which we have fourteen species in Great Britain, arranged under the botanical groups Carduus, Carlina, Onopordon and Carbenia, or Cnicus. In agriculture the Thistle is the recognized sign of untidiness and neglect, being found not so much in barren ground, as in good ground not properly cared for. It has always been a plant of ill repute among us; Shakespeare classes 'rough Thistles' with 'hateful Docks,' and further back in the history of our race we read of the Thistle representing part of the primeval curse on the earth in general, and on man in particular, for - 'Thorns also and Thistles shall it bring forth to thee.' Thistles will soon monopolize a large extent of country to the extinction of other plants, as they have done in parts of the American prairies, in Canada and British Columbia, and as they did in Australia, till a stringent Act of Parliament was passed, about twenty years ago, imposing heavy penalties upon all who neglected to destroy Thistles on their land, every man being now compelled to root out, within fourteen days, any Thistle that may lift up its head, Government inspectors being specially appointed to carry out the enforcement of the law. The growth of weeds in Great Britain, having, in the opinion of many, also reached disturbing proportions, it is now proposed to enact a similar law in this country, and the Smallholders' Union is bringing forward a 'Bill to prevent the spread of noxious weeds in England and Wales,' the provisions being similar to the Australian law - weed-infested roadsides, as well as badly-cleared cultivated land, to come within the scope of the enactment. Among the thirteen noxious weeds enumerated in the proposed Bill, the name of Thistle is naturally to be found. And yet in medicine Thistles are far from useless. When beaten up or crushed in a mill to destroy the prickles, the leaves of all Thistles have proved excellent food for cattle and horses. This kind of fodder was formerly used to a great extent in Scotland before the introduction of special green crops for the purpose. The young stems of many of the Thistles are also edible, and the seeds of all the species yield a good oil by expression. Two or three of our native species are handsome enough to be worthy of a place in gardens. Some species which flourish in hotter and drier climates than our own, such as the handsome Yellow Thistles of the south of Europe, Scolymus, are cultivated for that purpose, and have a classical interest, being mentioned by Hesiod as the flower of summer. This striking plant, crowned with its golden flowers, is abundant throughout Sicily. The Fish-bone Thistle (Chamaepeuce diacantha), from Syria, is also a very handsome plant. A grand Scarlet Thistle from Mexico (Erythrolena conspicua) was grown in England some fifty years ago, but is now never seen. [Top] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- THISTLE, HOLY Botanical: Carbenia benedicta (BERUL.) Family: N.O. Compositae Description Cultivation Part Used Chemical Constituents Medicinal Action and Uses ---Synonyms---Blessed Thistle. Cnicus benedictus (Gaetn.). Carduus benedictus (Steud.). ---Part Used---Herb. A Thistle, however, that has been cultivated for several centuries in this country for its medicinal use is known as the Blessed or Holy Thistle. It is a handsome annual, a native of Southern Europe, occurring there in waste, stony, uncultivated places, but it grows more readily in England in cultivation. It is said to have obtained its name from its high reputation as a heal-all, being supposed even to cure the plague. It is mentioned in all the treatises on the Plague, and especially by Thomas Brasbridge, who in 1578 published his Poore Man's Jewell, that is to say, a Treatise of the Pestilence, unto which is annexed a declaration of the vertues of the Hearbes Carduus Benedictus and Angelica. Shakespeare in Much Ado about Nothing, says: 'Get you some of this distilled Carduus Benedictus and lay it to your heart; it is the only thing for a qualm.... I mean plain Holy Thistle.' The 'distilled' leaves, it says 'helpeth the hart,' 'expelleth all poyson taken in at the mouth and other corruption that doth hurt and annoye the hart,' and 'the juice of it is outwardly applied to the bodie' ('lay it to your heart,' Sh.), 'therefore I counsell all that have Gardens to nourish it, that they may have it always to their own use, and the use of their neighbours that lacke it.' It has sometimes been stated that the herb was first cultivated by Gerard in 1597, but as this book was published twenty years previously it would appear to have been in cultivation much earlier, and in fact it is described and its virtues enumerated in the Herbal of Turner in 1568. [Top] [Top of Thistle, Holy] ---Description---The stem of the Blessed Thistle grows about 2 feet high, is reddish, slender, very much branched and scarcely able to keep upright under the weight of its leaves and flowerheads. The leaves are long, narrow, clasping the dull green stem, with prominent pale veins, the irregular teeth of the wavy margin ending in spines. The flowers are pale yellow, in green prickly heads, each scale of the involucre, or covering of the head, ending also in a long, brown bristle. The whole plant, leaves, stalks and also the flowerheads, are covered with a thin down. It grows more compactly in some soils than in others. ---Cultivation---Being an annual, Blessed Thistle is propagated by seed. It thrives in any ordinary soil. Allow 2 feet each way when thinning out the seedlings. Though occurring sometimes in waste places in England as an escape from cultivation, it cannot be considered indigenous to this country. The seeds are usually sown in spring, but if the newly-ripened seeds are sown in September or October in sheltered situations, it is possible to have supplies of the herb green, both summer and winter. ---Part Used---The whole herb. The leaves and flowering tops are collected in July, just as the plant breaks into flower, and cut on a dry day, the best time being about noon, when there is no longer any trace of dew on them. About 3 1/2 tons of fresh herb produce 1 ton when dried, and about 35 cwt. of dry herb can be raised per acre. ---Chemical Constituents---Blessed Thistle contains a volatile oil, and a bitter, crystallineneutral body called Cnicin (soluble in alcohol and slightly also in water) which is said to be analogous to salicin in its properties. [Top] [Top of Thistle, Holy] ---Medicinal Action and Uses---Tonic, stimulant, diaphoretic, emetic and emmenagogue. In large doses, Blessed Thistle acts as a strong emetic, producing vomiting with little pain and inconvenience. Cold infusions in smaller draughts are valuable in weak and debilitated conditions of the stomach, and as a tonic, creating appetite and preventing sickness. The warm infusion - 1 OZ. of the dried herb to a pint of boiling water - in doses of a wineglassful, forms in intermittent fevers one of the most useful diaphoretics to which employment can be given. The plant was at one time supposed to possess very great virtues against fevers of all kinds. Fluid extract, 1/2 to 1 drachm. It is said to have great power in the purification and circulation of the blood, and on this account strengthens the brain and the memory. The leaves, dried and powdered, are good for worms. It is chiefly used now for nursing mothers the warm infusion scarcely ever failing to procure a proper supply of milk. It is considered one of the best medicines which can be used for the purpose. Turner (1568) says: 'It is very good for the headache and the megram, for the use of the juice or powder of the leaves, preserveth and keepeth a man from the headache, and healeth it being present. It is good for any ache in the body and strengtheneth the members of the whole body, and fasteneth loose sinews and weak. It is also good for the dropsy. It helpeth the memory and amendeth thick hearing. The leaves provoke sweat. There is nothing better for the canker and old rotten and festering sores than the leaves, juice, broth, powder and water of Carduus benedictus.' Culpepper (1652) writes of it: 'It is a herb of Mars, and under the Sign Aries. It helps swimmings and giddiness in the head, or the disease called vertigo, because Aries is the House of Mars. It is an excellent remedy against yellow jaundice and other infirmities of the gall, because Mars governs choller. It strengthens the attractive faculty in man, and clarifies the blood, because the one is ruled by Mars. The continual drinking the decoction of it helps red faces, tetters and ringworm, because Mars causeth them. It helps plague-sores, boils and itch, the bitings of mad dogs and venomous beasts, all which infirmities are under Mars. Thus you see what it doth by sympathy. 'By Antypathy to other Planets: it cures the French Pox by Antypathy to Venus who governs it. It strengthens the memory and cures deafness by Antypathv to Saturn, who hath his fall in Aries which Rules the Head. It cures Quarten Agues and other diseases of Melancholy, and a dust Choller by Sympathy to Saturn, Mars being exalted in Capricorn. Also it provokes Urine, the stopping of which is usually caused by Mars or the Moon.' Mattheolus and Fuschius wrote also of Carduus benedictus: 'It is a plant of great virtue; it helpeth inwardly and outwardly; it strengthens all the principal members of the body, as the brain, the heart, the stomach, the liver, the lungs and the kidney; it is also a preservative against all disease, for it causes perspiration, by which the body is purged of much corruption, such as breedeth diseases; it expelleth the venom of infection; it consumes and wastes away all bad humours; therefore, give God thanks for his goodness, Who hath given this herb and all others for the benefit of our health.' Four different ways of using Blessed Thistle have been recommended: It may be eaten in the green leaf, with bread and butter for breakfast, like Watercress; the dried leaves may be made into a powder and a drachm taken in wine or otherwise every day; a wineglassful of the juice may be taken every day, or, which is the usual and the best method, an infusion may be made of the dried herb, taken any time as a preventive, or when intended to remove disease, at bed time, as it causes copious perspiration. Many of the other Thistles may be used as substitutes for the Blessed Thistle. The seeds of the Milk Thistle (Carduus Marianus), known also as Silybum Marianum, have similar properties and uses, and the Cotton Thistle, Melancholy Thistle, etc., have also been employed for like purposes. [Top] [Top of Thistle, Holy] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- THISTLE, MILK Botanical: Silybum Marianum Family: N.O. Compositae Description Medicinal Action and Uses ---Synonym---Marian Thistle. ---Parts Used---Whole herb, root, leaves, seeds and hull. The Marian, or Milk Thistle, is perhaps the most important medicinally among the members of this genus, to which all botanists do not, however, assign it, naming it Silybum Marianum. ---Description---It is a fine, tall plant, about the size of the Cotton Thistle, with cutinto root-leaves, waved and spiny at the margin, of a deep, glossy green, with milkwhite veins, and is found not uncommonly in hedgebanks and on waste ground, especially by buildings, which causes some authorities to consider that it may not be a true native. In Scotland it is rare. This handsome plant is not unworthy of a place in our gardens and shrubberies and was formerly frequently cultivated. The stalks, like those of most of our larger Thistles, may be eaten, and are palatable and nutritious. The leaves also may be eaten as a salad when young. Bryant, in his Flora Dietetica, writes of it: 'The young shoots in the spring, cut close to the root with part of the stalk on, is one of the best boiling salads that is eaten, and surpasses the finest cabbage. They were sometimes baked in pies. The roots may be eaten like those of Salsify.' In some districts the leaves are called 'Pig Leaves,' probably because pigs like them, and the seeds are a favourite food of goldfinches. The common statement that this bird lines its nest with thistledown is scarcely accurate, the substance being in most cases the down of Colt's-foot (Tussilago), or the cotton down from the willow, both of which are procurable at the building season, whereas thistledown is at that time immature. Westmacott, writing in 1694, says of this Thistle: 'It is a Friend to the Liver and Blood: the prickles cut off, they were formerly used to be boiled in the Spring and eaten with other herbs; but as the World decays, so doth the Use of good old things and others more delicate and less virtuous brought in.' The heads of this Thistle formerly were eaten, boiled, treated like those of the Artichoke. There is a tradition that the milk-white veins of the leaves originated in the milk of the Virgin which once fell upon a plant of Thistle, hence it was called Our Lady's Thistle, and the Latin name of the species has the same derivation. [Top] [Top of Thistle, Milk] ---Medicinal Action and Uses---The seeds of this plant are used nowadays for the same purpose as Blessed Thistle, and on this point John Evelyn wrote: 'Disarmed of its prickles and boiled, it is worthy of esteem, and thought to be a great breeder of milk and proper diet for women who are nurses.' It is in popular use in Germany for curing jaundice and kindred biliary derangements. It also acts as a demulcent in catarrh and pleurisy. The decoction when applied externally is said to have proved beneficial in cases of cancer. Gerard wrote of the Milk Thistle that: 'the root if borne about one doth expel melancholy and remove all diseases connected therewith. . . . My opinion is that this is the best remedy that grows against all melancholy diseases,' which was another way of saying that it had good action on the liver. He also tells us: 'Dioscorides affirmed that the seeds being drunke are a remedy for infants that have their sinews drawn together, and for those that be bitten of serpents:' and we find in a record of old Saxon remedies that 'this wort if hung upon a man's neck it setteth snakes to flight.' The seeds were also formerly thought to cure hydrophobia. Culpepper considered the Milk Thistle to be as efficient as Carduus benedictus for agues, and preventing and curing the infection of the plague, and also for removal of obstructions of the liver and spleen. He recommends the infusion of the fresh root and seeds, not only as good against jaundice, also for breaking and expelling stone and being good for dropsy when taken internally, but in addition, to be applied externally, with cloths, to the liver. With other writers, he recommends the young, tender plant (after removing the prickles) to be boiled and eaten in the spring as a blood cleanser. A tincture is prepared by homoeopathists for medicinal use from equal parts of the root and the seeds with the hull attached. It is said that the empirical nostrum, antiglaireux, of Count Mattaei, is prepared from this species of Thistle. Thistles in general, according to Culpepper, are under the dominion of Jupiter. [Top] [Top of Thistle, Milk] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- THISTLE, SCOTCH Botanical: Onopordon Acanthium Family: N.O. Compositae Description Medicinal Action and Uses ---Synonyms---Cotton Thistle. Woolly Thistle. ---Parts Used---Leaves, root. The Scotch Thistle, or Cotton Thistle (Onopordon Acanthium) is one of the most beautiful of British plants, not uncommon in England, by roadsides and in waste places, particularly in chalky and sandy soils in the southern counties. ---Description---It is a biennial, flowering in late summer and autumn. The erect stem, 18 inches to 5 feet high, is very stout and much branched, furnished with wing-like appendages (the decurrent bases of the leaves) which are broader than its own diameter. The leaves are very large, waved and with sharp prickles on the margin. The flowers are light purple and surrounded with a nearly globular involucre, with scales terminating in strong, yellow spines. The whole plant is hoary with a white, cottony down, that comes off readily when rubbed, and causes the young leaves to be quite white. From the presence of this covering, the Thistle has obtained its popular name of Cotton or Woolly Thistle. This species is one of the stiffest and most thorny of its race, and its sharp spines well agree with Gerard's description of the plant as 'set full of most horrible sharp prickles, so that it is impossible for man or beast to touch the same without great hurt and danger.' Which is the true Scotch Thistle even the Scottish antiquarians cannot decide, but it is generally considered to be this species of Thistle that was originally the badge of the House of Stuart, and came to be regarded as the national emblem of Scotland. The first heraldic use of the plant would appear to be in the inventory of the property of James III of Scotland, made at his death in 1458, where a hanging embroidered with 'thrissils' is mentioned. It was, undoubtedly, a national badge in 1503, in which year Dunbar wrote his poetic allegory, 'The Thrissill and the Rose,' on the union of James IV and Princess Margaret of England. The Order of the Thistle, which claims, with the exception of the Garter, to be the most ancient of our Orders, was instituted in 1540 by James V, and revived by James VII of Scotland and Second of England, who created eight Knights in 1687. The expressive motto of the Order, Nemo me impune lacessit (which would seem to apply most aptly to the species just described), appears surrounding the Thistle that occupies the centre of the coinage of James VI. From that date until now, the Thistle has had a place on our coins. Pliny states, and mediaeval writers repeat, that a decoction of Thistles applied to a bald head would restore a healthy growth of hair. [Top] [Top of Thistle, Scotch] ---Medicinal Action and Uses---The Ancients supposed this Thistle to be a specific in cancerous complaints, and in more modern times the juice is said to have been applied with good effect to cancers and ulcers. A decoction of the root is astringent and diminishes discharges from mucous membranes. Gerard tells us, on the authority of Dioscorides and Plinv, that 'the leaves and root hereof are a remedy for those that have their bodies drawn backwards,' and Culpepper explains that not only is the juice therefore good for a crick in the neck, but also as a remedy for rickets in children. It was considered also to be good in nervous complaints. The name of the genus is derived from the Greek words onos (an ass) and perdon (I disperse wind), the species being said to produce this effect in asses. The juicy receptacle or disk on which the florets are placed was used in earlier times as the Artichoke - which is also a member of the Thistle tribe. The young stalks, when stripped of their rind, may be eaten like those of the Burdock. The cotton is occasionally collected from the stem and used to stuff pillows, and the oil obtained from the seeds has been used on the Continent for burning, both in lamps and for ordinary culinary purposes. Twelve pounds of the seeds are said to produce, when heat is used in expression, about 3 lb of oil. The greater number of the Thistles are assigned to the genus Carduus. The derivation of the name of this genus is difficult to determine; by some orders it is said to come from the Greek cheuro, a technical word denoting the operation of carding wool, to which process the heads of some of the species are applicable. [Top] [Top of Thistle, Scotch] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- THISTLE, DWARF Botanical: Carduus acaulis Family: N.O. Compositae ---Synonyms---Ground Thistle. Dwarf May Thistle (Culpepper). ---Part Used---Root. Carduus acaulis, the Dwarf Thistle, is found in pastures, especially chalk downs, and is rather common in the southern half of England, particularly on the east side. It is a perennial, with a long, woody root-stock. The stem in the ordinary form is so short that the flowers appear to be sessile, or sitting, in the centre of the rosette of prickly leaves, but very occasionally it attains the length of a foot or 18 inches, and then is usually slightly branched. The leaves are spiny and rigid, with only a few hairs on the upper side, and on the veins beneath, and are of a dark, shining green. The flowers are large and dark crimson in colour, and are in bloom from July to September. The Thistle is very injurious in pastures; it kills all plants that grow beneath it, and ought not to be tolerated, even on the borders of fields and waste places. At one time the root used to be chewed as a remedy for toothache. Johns (Flowers of the Field) calls this the Ground Thistle, and Culpepper calls it the Dwarf May Thistle, and says that 'in some places it is called the Dwarf Carline Thistle.' [Top] [Top of Thistle, Dwarf] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- THISTLE, CREEPING PLUME Botanical: Carduus arvensis Family: N.O. Compositae ---Synonym---Way Thistle. ---Parts Used---Root, leaves. Carduus arvensis, the Creeping Plurne Thistle, or Way Thistle, has many varieties. It is found in cultivated fields and waste places, and is very common and widely distributed. The root-stock is perennial, creeping extensively and sending up leafy barren shoots and flowering stems about 3 feet high. The leaves are attenuated, embracing the stems at their base, with strong spines at their margins. The flowers are in numerous small heads, and are pale purple in colour. The plant is bright green, the leaves often white beneath, but varying much in this respect. [Top] [Top of Thistle, Creeping Plume] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- THISTLE, WELTED Botanical: Carduus crispus Family: N.O. Compositae ---Synonym---Field Thistle. ---Parts Used---Root, leaves. Carduus crispus, the Welted Thistle, or Field Thistle, is one of the taller species. The stem, 3 to 4 feet high, is erect, branched, continuously spinous-winged throughout. The leaves are green on both sides, downy on the veins beneath, narrow, cut into numerous lobes and very prickly. The flowers are purplish-crimson, not very large, sometimes clustered three or four together on short stalks. The plant varies much in the degree of soft hairiness, and consequently in the green or whitish colour of the leaves. It is common and generally distributed in England, growing in hedgebanks, borders of fields and by roadsides, occurring less frequently in Scotland. This is one of the least troublesome of the Thistles, being an annual and less abundant than some others. Like the last species, it has many variations of form. [Top] [Top of Thistle, Welted] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- THISTLE, WOOLLY-HEADED Botanical: Carduus eriophorus Family: N.O. Compositae ---Parts Used---Root, leaves. Carduus eriophorus, the Woolly-headed Thistle, is a biennial. The stem is elongated, branched, not winged, short and furrowed, woolly, 3 to 5 feet high. The lowest leaves are very large, often 2 feet long, the stem leaves much smaller, all deeply cut into, with strap-shaped lobes joined together in pairs in the lower ones. The flowers are light reddish-purple, the large woolly heads covered with reddish curled hairs. The whole plant is a deep dull green. It flowers in August. This Thistle is eaten when young as a salad. The young stalks, peeled and soaked in water to take off the bitterness, are excellent, and may be eaten either boiled or baked in pies after the manner of Rhubarb, though Gerard says: 'concerning the temperature and virtues of these Thistles we can allege nothing at all.' [Top] [Top of Thistle, Woolly-Headed] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- THISTLE, MELANCHOLY Botanical: Carduus heterophyllus Family: N.O. Compositae ---Parts Used---Root, leaves. Carduus heterophyllus, the Melancholy Thistle, is said by some to have been the original badge of the House of Stuart, instead of the Cotton Thistle; it is the Cluas an fleidh of the Highlanders, and is more common in Scotland than in England, where it only occurs in the midland and northern counties, growing no farther south than the northern counties of Wales. It is a perennial, with a long and creeping root. The stems are tall and stout, often deeply furrowed, and more or less covered with a white or cotton-like down. The leaves clasp the stem at their bases and white dark green above, have their under-surfaces thickly covered with white and down like hairs. Unlike most of the Thistles, the leaves are not continued down the stem at all, and are much simpler in form than the ordinary type of Thistle foliage. Their edges have small bristle-like teeth. The flowerheads are borne singly on long stalks, the bracts that form the involucre being quite destitute of prickles. Culpepper considered that a decoction of this Thistle in wine 'being drank expels superfluous melancholy out of the body and makes a man as merry as a cricket.' And he further adds: 'Dioscorides saith, the root borne about one doth the like, and removes all diseases of melancholy: Modern writers laugh at him: Let them laugh that win: my opinion is, that it is the best remedy against all melancholy diseases that grows; they that please may use it.' [Top] [Top of Thistle, Melancholy] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- THISTLE, SPEAR Botanical: Carduus lanceolatus Family: N.O. Compositae ---Parts Used---Root, leaves. Carduus lanceolatus, the Spear Thistle, is one of our most striking and common Thistles. It grows in waste places, by roadsides, in pastures and cultivated ground, and is generally distributed over the whole kingdom. The plant is a biennial, the stem 1 to 5 feet high, stout and strong, more or less woolly with narrow, spinous wings. The leaves have the segments elongated or lanceshaped, palmately cleft sometimes in large plants, but short and scarcely cleft at all in weaker specimens, each lobe terminating in a long and acute prickle. They are dark, dull green above, paler beneath, where they are sometimes nearly white from the abundance of hair present. The flowerheads stand singly and are large and conspicuous. The flowers are a beautiful purple and, like those of the Artichoke, have the property of curdling milk. [Top] [Top of Thistle, Spear] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- THISTLE, MUSK Botanical: Carduus nutans Family: N.O. Compositae ---Synonym---Nodding Thistle. ---Parts Used---Root, seeds. Carduus nutans, the Musk Thistle, or Nodding Thistle, occurs in waste places, and is particularly partial to chalky and limestone soils. It is not uncommon in England, but is rare in Scotland, where it is confined to sandy seashores in the southern counties. The stem is erect, 2 to 3 feet high, branched only in larger plants, furrowed, interruptedly winged. The leaves are long, undulated, with scattered hairs on both surfaces, somewhat shiny, green and verydeeply cut. This is a common Thistle on a dry soil, and may be known by its large drooping, crimson-purple flowers, the largest of all our Thistle blooms, handsome both in form and colour, and by its faint, musky scent. The down of this, as of some other species, may be advantageously used as a material in making paper. [Top] [Top of Thistle, Musk] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- THISTLE, MARSH PLUME Botanical: Carduus palustris Family: N.O. Compositae ---Synonym---Cirsium palustre. ---Parts Used---Root, leaves. Carduus palustris, or Cirsium Palustre, the Marsh Plume Thistle, is very common in meadows, marshes and bogs, by the sides of ditches, etc., and is generally distributed over the country. It is a biennial, the stem stout, erect, furrowed, 1 to 5 feet high, scarcely branched at all, the branches, when occurring, being much shorter than the main stem, which is narrowly winged, the wings having numerous, long slender spines. The spines on the edges of the narrow, long leaves are similar to those on the wings of the stem. The flowers are dark, dull, crimson purple, small in themselves, but grouped together in large clusters, which distinguish it from most of our thistles, though one or two others exhibit their characteristic in a lesser degree. The plant is a deep dull green, the leaves sometimes slightly hoary beneath. The stalks of this species are said to be as good as those of the Milk Thistle, and in Evelyn's time were similarly employed. Culpepper tells us that, in his day, it was 'frequent in the Isle of Ely.' [Top] [Top of Thistle, Marsh Plume] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- THISTLE, CARLINE Botanical: Carlina vulgaris Family: N.O. Compositae ---Parts Used---Root, leaves. Carlina vulgaris, the Carline Thistle, closely related to the last-named Thistles, but assigned to a special genus, of which it is the sole representative in this country, is found on dry banks and pastures, being rather scarce except on chalk, where it is plentiful. It is rare in Scotland. It is a biennial, the root, a taproot, producing in the first year a tuft of strap-shaped, nearly flat leaves, hoary, especially beneath, very spinuous, but with the spines short and weak. The flower stem, appearing in the second year, is from 3 inches to 2 feet high, purple, not winged, the leaves on it decreasing in length and increasing in width from bottom to top, strongly veined, spinous and waved at the edges. The whole plant is pale green, the leaves rigid and scarcely altering after the plant is dead, except in colour. The flowers are straw yellow, the inner florets purplish, the heads distinguished by the strawcoloured, glossy, radiating long inner scales of the involucre, or outer floral cup. The outer bracts are very prickly. The flowers expand in dry and close in moist weather. They retain this property for a long time and form rustic hygrometers, being often seen on the Continent nailed over cottage doors for this purpose. The presence of the Carline Thistle indicates a very poor soil; it particularly infests dry, sandy pastures. Culpepper describes the 'Wild Carline Thistle (C. vulgaris)' as having flowers 'of a fine purple,' so he must have confused it with another species, or given it a wrong name. The original name of this plant was Carolina, so called after Charlemagne, of whom the legend relates that: 'a horrible pestilence broke out in his army and carried off many thousand men, which greatly troubled the pious emperor. Wherefore he prayed earnestly to God, and in his sleep there appeared to him an angel who shot an arrow from a crossbow, telling him to mark the plant upon which it fell, for with that plant he might cure his army of the pestilence.' The herb so miraculously indicated was this Thistle. Its medicinal qualities appear to be very like those of Elecampane, it has diaphoretic action, and in large doses is purgative. The herb contains some resin and a volatile essential oil of a camphoraceous nature, like that of Elecampane, which has made it of use for similar purposes as a cordial and antiseptic. In Anglo-Saxon, the plant was called from the bristly appearance of its flowerheads, ever throat, i.e. boar's throat. It was formerly used in magica l incantations. The texture of Carline Thistles is like that of Everlasting Flowers; they scarcely alter their appearance when dead; and the whole plant is remarkably durable. Other Thistles are the SLENDER-FLOWERED THISTLE (C. pycnocephalous) which has stems 2 to 4 feet high, slightly branched, hoary, with broad continuous, deeply-lobed, spinous wings; leaves cottony underneath; heads many, clustered, cylindrical, small; florets pink. It grows in sandy, waste places, especially near the sea: frequent. Biennial. The TUBEROUS PLUME THISTLE (C. tuberosus). The root is spindle-shaped with tuberous fibres; stem 2 feet high, single, erect, round hairy, leafless above; leaves not decurrent, deeply pinnatifid, fringed with minute prickles; heads generally solitary, large, egg-shaped; florets crimson. Grows only in Wiltshire. Perennial. The MEADOW PLUME THISTLE (C. pratensis). A small plant, 12 to 18 inches high, with fibrous roots; a cottony stem, giving off runners; few leaves, mostly radical, soft, wavy, fringed with minute spines, not decurrent; and generally solitary heads, with adpressed, slightly cottony bracts and crimson florets. Found in wet meadows; not general. Flowers in August. Perennial. The sow THISTLE is in no sense a Thistle, but is more nearly allied to the Dandelion. The Star Thistles belong to the genus Centaurea. See: KNAPWEED, BLACK KNAPWEED, GREATER TEAZLE SCABIOUS, FIELD SCABIOUS, LESSER SCABIOUS, DEVIL'S BIT CORNFLOWER SOW THISTLE (no listing) [Top] [Top of Thistle, Carline] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- THISTLE, COMMON STAR Botanical: Centaurea Colcitrapa Family: N.O. Compositae Description Medicinal Action and Uses ---Parts Used---Herb, seeds, root. ---Habitat---South-east England. Centaurea Calcitrapa, the Common Star Thistle, occurs in waste places and by roadsides, but is somewhat rare and chiefly found in south-east England. ---Description---The stem is branched, not winged, like most of the true Thistles; the lower leaves are much cut into, almost to the midrib, but the uppermost are merely toothed or with entire margins. On the flowerheads are long sharp spines, 1/2 inch to 1 inch long. The flowers themselves are pale, purplish rose, the ray florets no longer than the central ones. The plant is a dull green, somewhat hairy, and flowers in July. The specific name of this species is due to the resemblance of the flower-head to the Caltrops, or iron ball covered with spikes, formerly used for throwing under horses' feet to lame them on a field of battle. It is a troublesome weed to agriculturists in certain districts, and is only eradicated by breaking up the ground. ---Medicinal Action and Uses---The seeds used to be made into powder and drunk in wine as a remedy for stone, and the powdered root was considered a cure for fistula and gravel. [Top] [Top of Thistle, Common Star] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- THISTLE, YELLOW STAR Botanical:Centaurea solstitalis Family: N.O. Composite Description Medicinal Action and Uses ---Synonym---St. Barnaby's Thistle. ---Parts Used---Herb, seeds, root. Centaurea solstitialis, the Yellow Star Thistle, St. Barnaby's Thistle, is rare and hardly to be considered a native, though found in dry pastures in south-east Kent. ---Description---The plant forms a scrubby bush, 18 inches to 2 feet high, with the lower part of the stems very stiff, almost woody, the branches when young very soft, with broad wings, decurrent from the short, strap-shaped leaves. The lower leaves are deeply cut into, the upper ones narrow and with entire margins. The spines of the flower-heads are very long, 1/2 inch to 1 inch in length, pale yellow. The whole plant is hoary. This plant obtains its name from being supposed to flower about St. Barnabas' Day, June 11 (old style). It is an annual. ---Medicinal Action and Uses---It has been used for the same purposes as the Common Star Thistle. Many species of Centaurea grow wild in Palestine, some of formidable size. Canon Tristram mentions some in Galilee through which it was impossible to make way till the plants had been beaten down. 'Thistle' mentioned several times in the Bible refers to some member of this family (Centaurea), probably C. Calcitrapa, which is a Palestinian weed. See: CENTAURY KNAPWEEDS, BLACK KNAPWEED, GREATER [Top] Common Name Index A MODERN HERBAL Home Page Copyright 1995 c Electric Newt Tooth and Gum Formula Ingredients: Echinacea, Bayberry, Oak bark, Cayenne, Tea tree oil, Clove oil, and Peppermint oil. Be sure to shake well before each use. 10 oz Echinacea Tincture 1/4 cup of Tea Tree Oil (you can use less of this if sensitive to it as some people are) 4 oz. Bayberry Tincture 2 oz. Oak Gall (or 3X Oak Bark) Tincture 2 TBS. Cayenne Tincture 2 1/2 Dropperfuls of Peppermint Oil 2 1/2 Dropperfuls of Clove Oil Love, DocSample Schedule Week 2 2nd Week: Continue Total Nutrition & Intestinal Cleanse #1 and add Intestinal Cleanse #2 per the data sheet. Remember to take an addition #1 or more as needed when you start the #2 and drink lots of distilled water! Continue the Echinacea, Total Tonic, hot and cold showers, hot baths and exercise. Continue using your timer. 7:00 a.m. Exercise: Walk, run or rebound. Be sure you sweat. 7:30 a.m. Take a hot and cold shower. 8:00 a.m. Total Nutrition Breakfast 9:00 a.m. Intestinal Cleanse #2 - Make and drink. Recommend setting a timer. 10:00 a.m. Take Total Tonic and Echinacea 10:30 a.m. Drink a large glass of distilled water, fruit or veggie juice 11:00 a.m. Intestinal Cleanse #2 again Noon Vegan lunch 1:00 p.m. Intestinal Cleanse #2 again 2:00 p.m. Take Total Tonic and Echinacea 2:30 p.m. Drink a large glass of distilled water, fruit or veggie juice 3:00 p.m. Intestinal Cleanse #2 again 3:30 p.m. Exercise again if possible. 4:00 p.m. Total Nutrition drink or nutritional Vegan snack 5:00 p.m. Intestinal Cleanse #2 again 6:00 p.m. Total Tonic and Echinacea 6:30 p.m. Vegan dinner. Remember to take an additional #1 or more as needed now that you have started the #2 and drink lots of distilled water. 7:00 p.m. Intestinal Cleanse #2 again 8:00 p.m. Drink a large glass of distilled water or fruit juice as a bedtime snack. 9:00 p.m. Continue hot baths and ginger tea. Copyright (c) 2002 by Ian Shillington. All rights reserved. Dr. Ian & Valorie Shillington (Revised 3/11/3) The Total Body Cleanse Program Fundamental Instructions for the Basic Program 1st Week: Take Total Nutrition & Intestinal Cleanse #1 per the data sheets. Start the Echinacea (2 dropperful 3 times a day). Start the Total Tonic (2 dropperful 3 times a day) 2nd Week: Continue Total Nutrition & Intestinal Cleanse #1 and add Intestinal Cleanse #2 per the data sheet. Remember to take an additional #1 or more as needed when you start the #2 and drink lots of water! Continue the Echinacea and Total Tonic. Start Castor Oil packs every other day if on the Cancer Program. 3rd Week: Continue the Echinacea and Total Tonic while still taking Total Nutrition and Intestinal Cleanse #1 & #2. Add the Liver/Gallbladder Program per the data sheet. Add the Cayenne (3 to 10 drops) to the tea or to a glass of water. Add the Blood Detox tincture and tea and continue the Castor Oil Packs if on the Cancer Program. At the end of Day 5 of the Liver/Gallbladder flush, do the Liver/Gallbladder BOMB per instructions. Thereafter do the BOMB each evening before you go to bed until there are no more gallstones (little dark green globules from the size of BBs up to the size of a mothball) coming out the following day.. NB. Do not start on the Week 4 program until the BOMB is over and done with. 4th Week: You should drop the Echinacea, Castor Oil packs and the Intestinal Cleanse #1 & #2 at this point, but continue taking the Total Nutrition and the Total Tonic.. Add the Kidney/Bladder Program per the data sheet. Continue the Cayenne drops to the tea or water. 5th Week: Begin all over again at Week #3, if you are on the Incurables Program or if you wish to do a more concentrated Detox and Cleanse program. Please Note WELL: During this entire program there is to be no meat, fish, fowl, or dairy. Eat nothing that had a face on it or came from anything that had a face on it. This is a Vegan Program. This program requires that you exercise daily. Start on what you can physically tolerate and increase daily. Walking for 20 - 40 minutes twice a day is an excellent way to get your exercise. Make sure you sweat. Hydrotherapy is the last requirement in this program. Hot and cold showers do wonders for your circulation and can speed your recovery incredibly fast. Start off taking a hot shower making the temperature as hot as you can stand it. Stay in the "HOT" for 3 minutes and then turn the hot all the way off. Stay in the "COLD" for 1 minute. Do this cycle a minimum of 3 complete times and end with a nice hot shower. Do not underestimate this procedure, it is powerful and miraculous. There are spas in Europe that specialize in curing "terminally ill" cancer patients using only hydrotherapy. If you have a particular area of your body which is ill, buy a shower wand and concentrate more "hot & cold" on that area in addition to the above. Hot and Cold packs will also work very well. If you can do more. Do it ! ! ! Never quit ! ! ! Never take Echinacea for more than three weeks at a time. This is one herb you need a rest from. Definition: A "DROPPERFUL" is one to two squeezes of the rubber top and fills the glass tube about « full equaling 35 drops. Much love, Ian "Doc" Shillington N.D. 505-772-5889 Total Body Cleanse Additional Supplements that help facilitate the detox, and help rebuild your system at the same time 500 Mg MSM 100 Mg. CoQ10 1200 IU Vitamin E Plant Enzyme with each meal. 100 Mg B3 - Niacin = Nicotinic Acid DMSO (with Cancer Patients and/or if you're real brave ;o) Love, Doc Ian "Doc" Shillington N.D. 505-772-5889 Sample Schedule Week 1 1st Week: Take Total Nutrition & Intestinal Cleanse #1 per the data sheets. Start the Echinacea and Total Tonic (2 dropperfuls 3 times a day) Take hot and cold showers, hot baths and exercise. Use a timer to keep you on schedule. 7:00 a.m. Exercise: Walk, run or rebound. Make sure you sweat! 7:30 a.m. Take a hot and cold shower. 8:00 a.m. Total Nutrition Breakfast - Make this drink according to the instructions on the back label. You may have the raw, organic eggs in this drink. It is the one exception to the totally Vegan diet. 9:00 a.m. Take 2 dropperfuls of Total Tonic and 2 dropperfuls of Echinacea. The best way to take these formulas is to put them directly in yourmouth and swallow. If this is too objectionable, you can put theformulas into a small amount of water and swallow them. Noon Lunch - Have a Vegan lunch = eat nothing that had a face on it or came from anything with a face. 2:00 p.m. Total Tonic and Echinacea - Repeat 9:00 a.m. instructions. 4:00 p.m. Total Nutrition Drink again if you like or eat a nutritional Vegan snack. 5:00 p.m. Exercise again if possible. 6:00 p.m. Total Tonic and Echinacea - Repeat 9:00 a.m. instructions. 6:30 p.m. Eat a Vegan dinner and take your Intestinal Cleanse #1 after you have eaten half of your dinner. Start with 1 capsule and increase by 1 each day with dinner until you reach your personal dosage. Refer to the Intestinal Cleanse #1 and #2 data sheet. 8:00 p.m. Fruit or fruit juice snack or a large glass of water. 9:00 p.m. Put 6 cups of distilled water in a pot, cut up (dice) a 1 inch piece of ginger,put it in the water and simmer for 15 minutes. 1 hour before bedtime take a hot bath as hot as you can stand it for a minimum of 1/2 hour and drink 4-6 cups of the hot ginger tea. Kiss your loved ones goodnight and hit the hay ;o) Copyright (c) 2002 by Ian Shillington. All rights reserved. Dr. Ian & Valorie Shillington Sample Schedule Week 2 2nd Week: Continue Total Nutrition & Intestinal Cleanse #1 and add Intestinal Cleanse #2 per the data sheet. Remember to take an addition #1 or more as needed when you start the #2 and drink lots of distilled water! Continue the Echinacea, Total Tonic, hot and cold showers, hot baths and exercise. Continue using your timer. 7:00 a.m. Exercise: Walk, run or rebound. Be sure you sweat. 7:30 a.m. Take a hot and cold shower. 8:00 a.m. Total Nutrition Breakfast 9:00 a.m. Intestinal Cleanse #2 - Make and drink. Recommend setting a timer. 10:00 a.m. Take Total Tonic and Echinacea 10:30 a.m. Drink a large glass of distilled water, fruit or veggie juice 11:00 a.m. Intestinal Cleanse #2 again Noon Vegan lunch 1:00 p.m. Intestinal Cleanse #2 again 2:00 p.m. Take Total Tonic and Echinacea 2:30 p.m. Drink a large glass of distilled water, fruit or veggie juice 3:00 p.m. Intestinal Cleanse #2 again 3:30 p.m. Exercise again if possible. 4:00 p.m. Total Nutrition drink or nutritional Vegan snack 5:00 p.m. Intestinal Cleanse #2 again 6:00 p.m. Total Tonic and Echinacea 6:30 p.m. Vegan dinner. Remember to take an additional #1 or more as needed now that you have started the #2 and drink lots of distilled water. 7:00 p.m. Intestinal Cleanse #2 again 8:00 p.m. Drink a large glass of distilled water or fruit juice as a bedtime snack. 9:00 p.m. Continue hot baths and ginger tea. Copyright (c) 2002 by Ian Shillington. All rights reserved. Dr. Ian & Valorie Shillington (Revised 3/11/3) Sample Schedule for Week 3 The Five-day Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse IMPORTANT NOTICE: The bowel detoxification and rebuilding program using Intestinal Cleanse #1 and #2 should be done before and during this program. To get the best results from this flush, you will be eating raw, organic fruits and vegetables on days 1 and 5 and doing a fresh, organic juice fast on days 2, 3 and 4. Potassium Broth and the Total Nutrition drink (including the raw, organic eggs) help cleanse toxins out of the body and may be taken at any time for nutrition, energy and to satisfy hunger. Preparation: The data sheet entitled "Everything You Need For Liver/Gallbladder & Kidney Flush Drink, Kidney & Liver Tea, Potassium Broth and The Bomb All Ingredients Must Be Organic" supplies you with a shopping list and details everything you will need to do this cleanse. The recipe for the Potassium Broth can also be found on this data sheet. Allow a total of 5-6 hours to make this important broth (much more fun and less of your time if you can round up a spouse or friend to give you a hand). The following times are a bit flexible, however, the Intestinal Cleanse #2 must be taken no more than 3 hours apart. This schedule is intended to give you the basics. You can have a Total Nutrition drink, fresh juice or Potassium Broth anytime you want anytime of the day; however, caution: Total Nutrition drinks give you a lot of energy and will keep you awake if taken too late in the day. All amounts are for one person. SAMPLE SCHEDULE 6-7 p.m. Take your Intestinal Cleanse #1 capsule(s) with dinner the night before Day 1 8 p.m. Put 6 cups of distilled water in a small pan (per person). Add 4 level tablespoons of Liver Detox Tea. Let soak overnight the night before Day 1. 6:45 a.m. Exercise: Walk, run or rebound. 7:15 a.m. Take a hot and cold shower 7:35 a.m. Put your pan of Liver tea on a stove burner and bring to a simmer. While the tea is heating, start making your Liver/Gallbladder Morning Flush Drink. Keep your eye on the tea and when it begins to boil, turn the heat down and simmer for 15 minutes. 7:40 a.m. Finish making your Liver/Gallbladder Morning Flush Drink 7:55 a.m. DRINK IT. (Once a day only at this time) 8:00 a.m. Note: If you are working take a juicer to work or make juice at home and take it to work. Another alternative is to go to a juice bar for lunch or have someone bring freshly squeezed juice to you. Maybe you have a friend close to work who has a juicer that you could use. Remember this is only for 5 days. Day 1 and 5 are raw food days plus Total Nutrition drink plus Potassium Broth and days 2, 3 and 4 are freshly made juice fast days plus your Total Nutrition drink and Potassium broth so be creative and whenever possible plan your cleanse over a weekend so you can be home 2 of the days or better yet a vacation or holiday weekend. 8:10 a.m. 15 to 30 minutes after this drink, strain Liver/Gallbladder tea and consume 2 cups of tea and 2 dropperfuls of formula. You can put 1 dropperful of formula in each cup of tea or down the formula separately. In my opinion, the formula ruins the wonderful taste of the tea so I never put the formula in my tea. 1 dropperful of Liver/Gallbladder Anti-Parasite Formula = 35 drops or 1/2 of the dropper. When you put the dropper in and squeeze the rubber top, you will see about 1/2 of the glass tube full of liquid. Also have 3-10 drops of Cayenne Tincture diluted in a little water or added to the tea. Save the wet tea herbs, add 6 cups of distilled water and 2 more level tablespoons of dry fresh herb tea. Let sit during the day and overnight and repeat the whole process again the next day. 8:20 a.m. Get ready for work. Take a hot and cold shower alternating 7 times, get dressed. 8:30 a.m. Take 2 dropperfuls of Echinacea Plus and 2 dropperfuls of Total Tonic in water or just open your mouth and down them. 8:33 a.m. If going to work, gather up tea(s), juice, Potassium Broth, formulas, Total Nutrition, distilled water, 1 tablespoon measure, 1 teaspoon measure and a plastic container with a tight lid to shake up Total Nutrition in juice or Intestinal Cleanse 2 or Potassium broth. 9:00 a.m. Intestinal Cleanse #2. Put 1/2 to 1 cup of water or "allowed beverage of your choice" in your shake container and add 1 heaping teaspoon of Intestinal Cleanse #2, shake well and drink. 10:00 a.m. Total Nutrition Breakfast - Make drink as explained on the back label of the Total Nutrition and drink. 12:00 a.m. Prepare and drink Intestinal Cleanse #2 per 9:00 a.m. instructions above. 12:30 p.m. Lunch - Drink 8 oz. of combination veggie juice - 6 oz. carrot juice with 2 fresh, garlic cloves, and raw (beet, brocolli, califlower, parsley, etc.). Add 1 heaping tablespoon of Total Nutrition if you like. Shake and drink! On Day 1 and Day 5 you will be eating only raw, organic foods like salad. No meat, cheese or cooked foods! 1:30 p.m. Drink 2 cups of Liver tea, consume 2 dropperfuls of Liver/Gall formula and 3-10 drops of Cayenne per 8:10 a.m. above. 2:30 p.m. Make and drink another Intestinal Cleanse #2 per above 9:00 a.m. instructions 3:30 p.m. Take 2 dropperfuls of Echinacea Plus and 2 dropperfuls of Total Tonic in water or open your mouth and down it. 4:30 p.m. Optional snack if needed or wanted - perhaps a nice hot or cold Potassium Broth. 5:00 p.m. Exercise again if possible. 5:30 p.m. Prepare and drink Intestinal Cleanse #2 per 9:00 a.m. instructions above. 6:00 p.m. Dinner - Have diluted veggie juice or fruit juice for dinner. Drink 1/2 of the drink and take your Intestinal Cleanse 1 dosage and then drink the rest of your dinner. On days 1 and 5, have veggie juice and/or eat a salad or other raw foods only. No meat, milk products, cheese or cooked foods whatsoever. If very ill or doing an incurables program, do not take the raw eggs either. 7:00 p.m. Take 2 dropperfuls of Echinacea Plus and 2 dropperfuls Total Tonic in water or open your mouth and down it. 8:00 p.m. Pour and drink 2 cups of Liver tea, consume 2 dropperfuls of Liver formula and 3-10 drops of Cayenne tincture per above. 8:30 p.m. Prepare and drink Intestinal Cleanse #2 per 9:00 a.m. instructions above. Take a hot bath. While filling the tub, make 4 cups of hot herb tea (fresh ginger root tea is best) and take the tea with you to the bathroom. Take a hot relaxing bath (as hot as you can stand it) for at least 1/2 hour continuing to add hot water to get you sweating. Drink all 4 cups of tea while in the hot bath. Ideally a spouse or friend should sit and talk with you and hand you 4 cups of hot herb tea. If you are weak or faint easily, you should definitely arrange to have someone with you. Take a deep breath. YOU ARE DONE FOR THE DAY!! Day #2 Repeat above herbal regimen. (Remember day 2, 3 and 4 are your 3 juice fast days.) Day #3 Repeat above except in the a.m. toss out all of the wet herb tea and start fresh. This is a juice fast day. Day #4 Repeat above. This is a juice fast day. Day #5 Repeat above. Today you break your fast gently by introducing fresh fruit. Read important note below. Tonight you will do the Liver/Gallbladder Bomb. See data sheet on how to do this step. Guidelines: Diluted fruit juice, in the morning. Stop fruit juice around noon. Carrot/garlic juice, Potassium broth anytime you want between noon and 6 p.m. Tea, distilled water, and Total Nutrition anytime you want. From about 6 p.m. on, diluted fruit juices (no vegetable juice). Your goal is to drink 1 gallon (128 ounces) of liquid. That is 8 ounces every hour! This includes teas, juices and potassium broth. Intestinal Cleanse #2 must be taken every 2 to 3 hours - no more than 3 hours between This is the ideal scene so just do the best you can. If you get hungry, DRINK MORE. Important Note: Start your day 5 with some fresh fruit. Chew it very slowly and mix each mouthful with plenty of saliva. Remember, breaking your fast is a very important part oœ this program. Chew your food well and eat until satisfied, not full. You can always eat more later if you are still hungry. After 1:00 p.m., you may have a small vegetable salad, and fruit again in the evening, chewing everything to a liquid pulp. Remember, this program restricts what you can have not the amount. If you are hungry at any point during this detoxification program, drink and/or eat more. The more you eat and drink, the more you will flush the toxins out of your body. Also remember to have a fun time. Your positive, healing attitude is most important to achieve maximum benefits out of this program; be loving to yourself. Learn some jokes and laugh! In between routines sit in the sun in a bathing suit and soak up some vitamin D. Bare feet on the ground feels wonderful and grounds you. Remember to breathe deeply as extra oxygen in the lungs helps the whole body. Take it easy when returning to a new healthy food program. We can help you with this. You may have already noticed what your body does well on and what you need to avoid and have taken steps toward a more healthy lifestyle. Well Done!! The idea is to choose lighter, easily digested foods (as many live, raw foods as possible) and be careful not to over eat. Chew your food well. Eating smaller meals more often is better than one or two large meals and proper food combining is also something you should learn about to increase your energy and facilitate your digestion. Ongoing education is vital to you being cause over your health. Ask us about our courses. Potassium Broth This is a great-tasting addition to your cleansing program. It will flush your system of toxins, poisons and unwanted salts and acids while giving you a concentrated amount of vitamins and minerals. Refer to the sheet entitled "Everything You Need For Liver/Gallbladder and Kidney Flush Drink . . ." This sheet provides you with a shopping list as well as everything needed to make this wonderful broth. Important: On the Liver/Gallbladder Cleanse, The most important drink of the day is the Liver/gallbladder flush morning drink. if this drink should make you nauseous, add an extra piece of ginger. ginger handles nausea. MOST PEOPLE TOLERATE THIS DRINK WELL. should you throw up this drink - make another and down it. it is vital that you keep this drink down! Dr. Christopher's viewpoint is that regurgitation just makes a cleaner stomach for the next dose. Keep this drink down! Important: It is absolutely vital that you take the Intestinal Cleanse #2 at least 5 times a day (6 if possible), once every two to three hours. you must have it in your system at all times so do not take them all at once. This is the formula that absorbs all toxins and prevents you from getting ill or from going into a healing crisis due to reabsorbtion of toxic materials released by the body. Much love and good luck. we are with you all the way. Dr. Ian & valorie Shillington Copyright c 2001 by Ian Shillington. All rights reserved.Sample Schedule Week 4 4th Week You should drop the Echinacea, Intestinal Cleanse #1 and #2 unless you need to continue the Intestinal Cleanse #1 for normal bowel movements. Continue the Total Nutrition, Total Tonic, Hot and Cold Showers, Hot Baths and Exercise. Add the Kidney/Bladder Program per the data sheet. Continue the Cayenne drops in the tea or water. Night before beginning the Kidney & Bladder Cleanse, soak Kidney/Bladder tea in accordance with the instructions on the tea. 7:00 a.m. Exercise: Walk, run or rebound. Be sure you sweat! 7:30 a.m. Take a hot and cold shower. 7:55 a.m. Bring your tea to a simmer and simmer for 15 minutes. 8:00 a.m. Kidney & Bladder Morning Flush Drink. Make and drink per the Five Day Kidney and Bladder Cleanse information sheet. 8:30 a.m. Tea - 15 - 30 minutes after you drink you flush drink, strain and drink 2 cups of Kidney/Bladder tea and take 2 dropperfuls of Kidney/Bladder formula. Take 3 - 10 drops of Cayenne in water or in your tea. 9:00 a.m. Total Nutrition Breakfast - Make and drink. 10:30 a.m. Total Tonic - Take 2 dropperfuls Noon Lunch - Vegan 1:00 p.m. Kidney/Bladder tea - Drink 2 more cups of tea and take 2 more dropperfuls of Kidney/Bladder formula and 3 - 10 drops of Cayenne. 2:00 p.m. Total Tonic - Take 2 dropperfuls 4:00 p.m. Total Nutrition drink again if you like or eat a Vegan snack. 5:00 p.m. Kidney/Bladder tea, formula and Cayenne again per 1:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Exercise again if possible. 6:00 p.m. Total Tonic - Take 2 dropperfuls 6:30 p.m. Vegan dinner. 9:00 p.m. Continue hot baths and ginger tea. Dr. Ian & Valorie Shillington (Revised 5/3/2) Copyright c 2001 by Ian Shillington N.D. All rights reserved. Total Draw Poultice Powder 1 - Cup of Red Clover Blossoms Powdered(Fresh preferred, but dried will do) 1 - Cup of Bentonite Clay 1 - Cup of Slippery Elm Inner Bark Powder 1/2 - Cup of Chaparral Leaf Powder 1/4 - Cup of Poke Root Powder 2 - Tbls of Goldenseal Root Powder 4 - Tbls of Activated Willow Charcoal Mix well together and store out of sunlight in a dark place. Usage: To one heaping tablespoon of the mixture add one dropperful of Organic Tea Tree Oil add one dropperful of Pharmaceutical Grade USP DMSO add one teaspoon (+ or - to your preferrence) of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar and mix into a paste and apply. Cover with a bandage. Love, Doc Ian "Doc" Shillington N.D. 505-772-5889 CANCER - TOTAL DRAW POULTICE POWDER FORMULA BY THE OUNCE Garlic assists a cancer tumor to come out through the skin. 1 CUP GARLIC POWDER 1 CUP SLIPPERY ELM BARK POWDER 1 CUP BENTONITE CLAY POWDER 1 CUP RED CLOVER POWDER 1 CUP CHAPARRAL POWDER 1 CUP WILLOW CHARCOAL POWDER 1 CUP PLANTAIN POWDER 1/2 CUP POKE ROOT POWDER 1/4 CUP GOLDENSEAL POWDER 1 TSP. CAYENNE POWDER MIX ALL INGREDIENTS IN A BOWL. STORE IN AN AIRTIGHT CONTAINER SUCH AS A GLASS JAR. PACKAGE BY THE OUNCE AS ORDERED. THE CONTAINER FOR THE INTESTINAL CLEANSE #2 IS EXCELLENT TO USE WHEN YOU USE 8 OUNCES OF THIS DRAW POULTICE POWDER. Revised September, 2003 by Doc Copyright (c) 2003 by Ian "Shillington". All rights reserved.Total Healing Poultice Powder Mix together the following: 2 Cups of Slippery Elm Bark Powder 1 Cup of Comfrey Root Powder 1/2 Cup of Goldenseal Root Powder 1/2 Cup of Plantain Leaf Powder Dash of the hottest Cayenne Powder you can find. Put all in a container and shake vigorously till well mixed. To use, mix with distilled water until you reach a paste consistency. Add a dropperful of USP Pharmaceutical Grade DMSO into this and stir well. Apply to a wound of any size. If the wound is large and is still bleeding, use a handfull of Cayenne powder directly on the wound to stop the bleeding and then bring the pieces of skin together using small strips of tape or butterfly bandaids. Then load up with your poultice powder / DMSO / distilled water mixture. Don't be stingy here. ;o) Cover with a gauze bandage and tape on. Leave the first poultice on for at least 24 hours before changing. When changing this, do not remove any of the old poultice still in there. If it doesn't come out with the bandage removal, just leave in there and plaster more THPP in there. After day 3 you can rinse with distilled water and start again. This poultice is self anticeptic. After the first 24 hours, you can then change it every 12 hours if you wish. If you notice any kind of infection starting to develop, add more cayenne to the mixture. On any kind of gash or wound like this, you should also be taking Total Tonic and Echinacea internally. And don't be surprised if there isn't even a scar when it has healed ;o) Much love, Doc Ian "Doc" Shillington N.D. 505-772-5889 Copyright (c) 1999 by Ian Shillington N.D. All rights reserved.TOTAL NUTRITIONr 100% ORGANIC and WILDHARVESTED VITAMIN and MINERAL WHOLEFOOD SUPPLEMENT This perfectly balanced blend of Superfoods is specifically formulated to supply you with Natural Food Source Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids and Essential Trace Nutrients. These are Nature's Nutrients, not man made synthetic vitamins. All ingredients are from the richest, whole food sources on the planet and are organically grown or wildcrafted. This zero fat formula will give you quick energy, and it tastes great. It should be the foundation of any health program because it is nutrients that build a good body and health. Spirulina Blue Green Algae Spirulina is one of the most concentrated, nutritious foods on this planet. It is the highest natural source of complete protein (75%). We use the only organically grown Spirulina in the world, from Hawaii. The high amount of sunshine there makes this Spirulina higher in Beta Carotene than any other. It is also a rich source of B-Vitamins. especially B-12. Grown using water pumped from 2000 feet deep in the ocean, this Spirulina is one of the richest sources of minerals also. Being one of the oldest types of algae, it has a soft cell wall for easy digestion and assimilation. Chlorella Chlorella is second only to Spirulina in nutritional content. Another of the algaes, it Is an extremely concentrated source of nutrition and compliments Spirulina well. The cell wall has been cracked to make the nutrients more available and increase its digestibility. Astragalus In Oriental Herbology, Astragalus shares the #1 spot with Ginseng. Astragalus not only has a reputation for preventing Cancer, but it is famous for rejuvenating digestive organs and regulating blood sugar. Astragalus also raises and improves metabolism and can therefore bring about a certain amount of weight loss for those who desire it. Furthermore, it strengthens the immune system, promotes the healing of wounds and injuries, reduces Edema and is well known for dramatically increasing energy levels, and assisting those who are diabetic. Alfalfa, Barley and Wheat Grasses These are the Vitamin / Mineral herbs. They are mildly cleansing and the greatest sources of nutrition and minerals of any of the grasses. Grain grasses are more potent than the grains themselves, offering us a rich array of vitamins, minerals and chlorophyll. Purple Dulse Seaweed Seaweeds are the richest source of assimilable minerals on the planet. They contain all the minerals and trace minerals that are found In the oceans and the earth's crust. We chose Purple Dulse because it has the highest mineral concentration, but also a bland taste. Many seaweeds taste fishy and are offensive to vegetarians. Beet Root and Spinach Leaf Beets and Spinach are some of the richest, most assimilable sources of organic iron. Beets, being a root vegetable and growing underground, change inorganic raw elements into plant minerals, that are useable by us. Spinach is a rich source of Calcium, Iron and Vitamin K. Both of these plants are famous for their blood building ability. Rose Hips, Orange and Lemon Peels Revered as the best sources of Vitamin C, these fruits are also a balanced C-Complex source. They contain BioFlavinoids, Rutin, Hesperidin, Calcium and all of the trace elements that are now known to be necessary to assimilate Vitamin C. The citrus peels are also one of the highest sources of Pectin, which has been proven to remove heavy metals (Mercury, Lead, etc.) from the body, even remove radioactive contamination like deadly Strontium 90. Non-Active Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Nutritional Yeast This yeast is grown on beets and pure molasses. It is the second highest source of complete protein in nature (50%), and the richest source of B Vitamins. It is also a rich source or Iron and many other minerals. The yeast we choose is heated high enough to absolutely destroy any yeast activity, but not high enough to lessen the B Vitamin content. It is totally NON active and safe for patients with Candida Albicans or on yeast free diets. Nutritional Analysis Serving size 2 level tablespoons Servings per container 30 (1 month supply) Protein 60% per serving - Low fat 1/10th of a gram - Calories 27. Each serving of Total Nutrition contains naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and other complex and trace nutrients. One serving contains the following R.D.A. percentages for an adult male. Vitamin A Beta Carotene 7,000 I.U. 700%, B1 Thiamine 7 mg. 400%, B2 Riboflavin 7 mg. 400%, B3 Niacin 36 mg. 200%, B6 Pyridoxine 7 mg. 300%, B12 - 8 mcg. 250% plus a normal balance of all the B-Complex nutrients including Folic acid, Pantothenic acid, Biotin, Inositol, Choline and PABA. 30 mg of Vitamin C and its complex nutrients of Rutin, BioFlavinoids and Hesperidin are present and when combined with the suggested blender drink on the other side of the label well over 100% of the R.D.A. is supplied. Vitamin E is present along with Omega 3 and 6 Essential Fatty Acids including Alpha Linolenic, DHA, Gamma Linolenic GLA and Essential Linolenic. The Total Nutrition Plants are also mineral rich. Over 12% of the volume is pure plant minerals. Each dose has 21% of your needed Iron and also contains Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Potassium Selenium, Phosphorus, Chromium, Sulfur, Copper, Boron, Manganese and is a rich source of Iodine. This product is loaded with RNA. over 1,000 milligrams per serving and DNA.. It is a complete protein averaging 60% and contains all the amino acids but especially the 8 essential. Contains Chlorophyll. Remember, its not how much you take, but how much you can assimilate! Additional Serving Suggestions Total Nutrition takes on a whole new delicious taste when mixed with olive oil and pressed garlic and spread over a whole grain bread and topped with tomatoes or used to stuff celery. It is also good sprinkled on a salad with an oil and vinegar dressing. Lay a bed of "Spring Mix" salad greens on a dinner plate. Top with one mound of fresh, shredded carrots and one mound of fresh, shredded beets. This is the main body of the salad. You can vary the toppings each day, so you won't get bored. One day you can use tomatoes, cucumbers and celery. Another day avocado, onion and olives. Another day, sprouts and Greek olives. The point is that you ALWAYS use the main ingredients and vary the toppings. Everything should always be organic. After you've made the salad, sprinkle a generous amount of Total Nutrition on top (2 tablespoons). Then put some Olive Oil dressing on top of the Total Nutrition. Now sprinkle some VINEGAR dressing on top of the whole thing. EAT AND ENJOY! 2 Rounded Tablespoons of Total Nutrition, 2 Raw Organic Eggs, & 2 to 4 Tablespoons of Flaxseed or Udo's Oil added to 8 to 12 oz of organic apple juice, gives you 2 to 5 times the vitamins and minerals you need for the entire day. These nutrients are in your bloodstream going to work within fifteen minutes. Ian "Doc" Shillington Copyright c 2001 by Ian Shillington. All rights reserved. In this particular formula a "part" means a measurement by volume and not weight. What volume you use is up to you. All ingredients are either Organic or Wildcrafted. I added Astragalus as it is the #1 herb for balancing metabolism and blood sugar levels. Without changing my diet one iota, I dropped 10 pounds when I added this little goody to the formula. I also upped the Spirulina and Chlorella 50% each to increase the protein, and mineral intake. My favorite way to take it is: 2 heaping tablespoons of TN 1 Tbl spoon of UDO's 1 Tbl spoon of Flaxseed Oil 1 Teaspoon of Bee Pollen (the reason I haven't added Bee Pollen to the TN formula is because pollen should be refrigerated where TN doesn't need to be) 2 raw organic eggs & sometimes 1 teaspoon of MSM Powder Blended in Apple cider for a minute makes the best morning drink I ever tasted. Total Nutrition Formula 1 part Alfalfa Grass Powder 1 part Barley Grass Powder 1 part Wheat Grass Powder 1 part Norwegian Purple Dulse Seaweed Powder 1 part Beet Root Powder 1 part Spinach Leaf Powder 1 part Rosehips Powder 1 part Orange Peel Powder 1 part Lemon Peel Powder 1 part Astagalus Powder 1.5 parts Spirulina Green Algae 1.5 parts Chlorella Broken Cell Algae 5 parts Yeast Flakes 5 parts Yeast Powder NB. Yeast (both the flakes and the powder) must be Non-active Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Nutritional Yeast. Which is safe for patients with Candida Albicans. TOTAL NUTRITIONr 100% ORGANIC and WILDHARVESTED VITAMIN and MINERAL WHOLEFOOD SUPPLEMENT This perfectly balanced blend of Superfoods is specifically formulated to supply you with Natural Food Source Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids and Essential Trace Nutrients. These are Nature's Nutrients, not man made synthetic vitamins. All ingredients are from the richest, whole food sources on the planet. All the ingredients are organically grown or wildcrafted. This zero fat formula will give you quick energy, and it tastes great. It should be the foundation of any health program because it is nutrients that build your body and health. Spirulina Blue Green Algae Spirulina is one of the most concentrated, nutritious foods on this planet. It is the highest natural source of complete protein (75%). We use the only organically grown Spirulina in the world, from Hawaii. The high amount of sunshine there makes this Spirulina higher in Beta Carotene than any other. It is also a rich source of B-Vitamins. especially B-12. Grown using water pumped from 2000 feet deep in the ocean, this Spirulina is one of the richest sources of minerals also. Being one of the oldest types of algae, it has a soft cell wall for easy digestion and assimilation. Chlorella Chlorella is second only to Spirulina in nutritional content. Another of the algaes, it Is an extremely concentrated source of nutrition and compliments Spirulina well. The cell wall has been cracked to make the nutrients more available and increase its digestibility. Astragalus In Oriental Herbology, Astragalus shares the #1 spot with Ginseng. Astragalus not only has a reputation for preventing Cancer, but it is famous for rejuvenating digestive organs and regulating blood sugar. Astragalus also raises and improves metabolism and can therefore bring about a certain amount of weight loss for those who desire it. Furthermore, it strengthens the immune system, promotes the healing of wounds and injuries, reduces Edema and is well known for dramatically increasing energy levels, and assisting those who are diabetic. Alfalfa, Barley and Wheat Grasses These are the Vitamin / Mineral herbs. They are mildly cleansing and the greatest sources of nutrition and minerals of any of the grasses. Grain grasses are more potent than the grains themselves, offering us a rich array of vitamins, minerals and chlorophyll. Purple Dulse Seaweed Seaweeds are the richest source of assimilable minerals on the planet. They contain all the minerals and trace minerals that are found In the oceans and the earth's crust. We chose Purple Dulse because it has the highest mineral concentration, but also a bland taste. Many seaweeds taste fishy and are offensive to vegetarians. Beet Root and Spinach Leaf Beets and Spinach are some of the richest, most assimilable sources of organic iron. Beets, being a root vegetable and growing underground, change inorganic raw elements into plant minerals, that are useable by us. Spinach is a rich source of Calcium, Iron and Vitamin K. Both of these plants are famous for their blood building ability. Rose Hips, Orange and Lemon Peels Revered as the best sources of Vitamin C, these fruits re also a balanced C-Complex source. They contain BioFlavinoids, Rutin, Hesperidin, Calcium and all of the trace elements that are now known to be necessary to assimilate Vitamin C. The citrus peels are also one of the highest sources of Pectin, which has been proven to remove heavy metals (Mercury, Lead, etc.) from the body, even remove radioactive contamination like deadly Strontium 90. Non-Active Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Nutritional Yeast This yeast is grown on beets and pure molasses. It is the second highest source of complete protein in nature (50%), and the richest source of B Vitamins. It is also a rich source or Iron and many other minerals. The yeast we choose is heated high enough to absolutely destroy any yeast activity, but not high enough to lessen the B Vitamin content. It is totally NON active and safe for patients with Candida Albicans or on yeast free diets. Nutritional Analysis Serving size 2 level tablespoons Servings per container 30 (1 month supply) Protein 60% per serving - Low fat 1/10th of a gram - Calories 27. Each serving of Total Nutrition contains naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and other complex and trace nutrients. One serving contains the following R.D.A. percentages for an adult male. Vitamin A Beta Carotene 7,000 I.U. 700%, B1 Thiamine 7 mg. 400%, B2 Riboflavin 7 mg. 400%, B3 Niacin 36 mg. 200%, B6 Pyridoxine 7 mg. 300%, B12 - 8 mcg. 250% plus a normal balance of all the B-Complex nutrients including Folic acid, Pantothenic acid, Biotin, Inositol, Choline and PABA. 30 mg of Vitamin C and its complex nutrients of Rutin, BioFlavinoids and Hesperidin are present and when combined with the suggested blender drink on the other side of the label well over 100% of the R.D.A. is supplied. Vitamin E is present along with Omega 3 and 6 Essential Fatty Acids including Alpha Linolenic, DHA, Gamma Linolenic GLA and Essential Linolenic. The Total Nutrition Plants are also mineral rich. Over 12% of the volume is pure plant minerals. Each dose has 21% of your needed Iron and also contains Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Potassium Selenium, Phosphorus, Chromium, Sulfur, Copper, Boron, Manganese and is a rich source of Iodine. This product is loaded with RNA. over 1,000 milligrams per serving and DNA.. It is a complete protein averaging 60% and contains all the amino acids but especially the 8 essential. Contains Chlorophyll. Remember, its not how much you take, but how much you can assimilate! Additional Serving Suggestions Total Nutrition takes on a whole new delicious taste when mixed with olive oil and pressed garlic and spread over a whole grain bread and topped with tomatoes or used to stuff celery. It is also good sprinkled on a salad with an oil and vinegar dressing. Lay a bed of "Spring Mix" salad greens on a dinner plate. Top with one mound of fresh, shredded carrots and one mound of fresh, shredded beets. This is the main body of the salad. You can vary the toppings each day, so you won't get bored. One day you can use tomatoes, cucumbers and celery. Another day avocado, onion and olives. Another day, sprouts and Greek olives. The point is that you ALWAYS use the main ingredients and vary the toppings. Everything should be organic. After you've made the salad, sprinkle a generous amount of Total Nutrition on top (2 tablespoons). Then put some Olive Oil dressing on top of the Total Nutrition. Now sprinkle some VINEGAR dressing on top of the whole thing. EAT AND ENJOY! 2 Rounded Tablespoons of Total Nutrition Added to your favorite juice or blender drink, gives you 2 to 5 times the vitamins you need for the entire day. What's even better is that you can assimilate these foods so easily, the nutrients are in your bloodstream going to work within 15 minutes. Much love, Ian Ian Shillington N.D. 505-772-5889 Total Tonic Formula 1 Handful of Garlic Cloves 1 Handful of chopped Onions 1 Handful of chopped Ginger 1 Handful of chopped Horseradish 1 Handful of Black Walnut Hulls 1/2 handful of chopped Habanero Peppers. Throw in a blender and cover with an inch or two of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar. All ingredients should be ORGANIC, but don't let that stop you from making this great formula. You can use the mash right away or wait two weeks and tincture. Much love, Doc Ian "Doc" Shillington 505-772-5889Trauma Oil 1 part St. John's Wort Flowers 1 part Arnica Flowers 1 part Calendula Approx. 3 parts Organic Virgin Olive Oil Mix all of the above in a blender and pour into your jar. When the plant matter settles after a few hours, it should take up a minimum of 2/3 rds of the total mixture in the jar. If you start off with a minimum of oil, you can always add more later. This formula is great for scrapes, bangs, and bruises and makes the pain disappear almost immediately. Copyright (c) 1998 by Ian Shillington. All rights reserved. Ian "Doc" Shillington N.D. 505-772-5889 The Garlic Slab Cure First - take a clove of garlic and cut it cross section. You then take another very thin cross section "slab" from one of the halves, and then place it over the wart or skin tag, and then cover with one of those circular bandages you can buy in any drug store. Do this every night before bed and leave on while you sleep. In the morning, remove and let the air get to it all day and then do the same procedure the next night and so on. In any where from a couple of days to a couple of weeks the wart or skin tag should just fall off. A little Slippery Elm and/or Marshmallow Root powder added to the area after removal, will ensure there is no scarring. Much love, Doc Ian "Doc" Shillington N.D. 505-772-5889